CS 3343 Section 1, Spring 1998
Analysis of Algorithms
Daniel Jimenez, M.S.
SB 3.01.06
Office Hours:
Tuesday/Thursday 11:00-12:00pm (i.e., right after class)
Class Times:
CS 3343 section 1, Tuesday and Thursday 9:30-10:45am HSS 2.02.20
Introduction to Algorithms
by Thomas H. Cormen,
Charles E. Leiserson,
and Ronald L. Rivest, McGraw-Hill 1990.
CS 2413 (Systems Programming),
CS 3233 (Discrete Math) and
MAT 2213 (Calculus III).
Course Description:
Analysis of the performance of algorithms; discussion of programming
techniques and data structures used in the writing of effective
algorithms. (Formerly CS 4323. Credit cannot be earned for both CS 3343
and CS 4323).
Course Requirements:
Homework Assignments:
programming and problem sets.
(25% of grade)
In-Class Exams:
approximately two exams during the semester.
(35% of grade)
Final Exam:
(35% of grade)
Class Participation
(5% of grade)
Policy on Assignments and Tests
Late assignments are not accepted. If you have not completed an assignment
by the time it is due, turn in what you have for partial credit. Make-up
tests are generally not given except for university sanctioned reasons,
such as documented illness or other grave situations. You must inform the
instructor before missing the test.
Academic Dishonesty
Unless a programming project or problem set is specifically assigned as a
group project,
students are not allowed to work together on programs. You may discuss
general ideas related to the program, but you may not e.g. share program code
or read each others programs. Instances of such collaboration will be dealt
with harshly, but the real cost comes when a student doesn't know how to
answer questions on a test about issues involved in doing an assignment.