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The current euphoria over the World Wide Web does not do full justice to the potential of the Internet; with the many-fold increase in CPU processing power and network bandwidth, it is inevitable that the Internet will support distributed applications of great complexity. While information retrieval applications dominate the Internet today, we can anticipate applications that process massive amounts of data for visualization and support real-time interactivity in a future generation of the Internet. For instance, a digital library of satellite imagery might be processed by programs for feature extraction or visualization; a virtual environment for training fire fighters will involve distributed simulations and user interactivity in real-time. All of these applications involve storing, transporting, and processing multiple types of information -- textual and numeric data, images, audio, video, animation sequences, etc. -- which we collectively refer to as multimedia. Due to the inherent differences in the data type characteristics (e.g., size, format, tolerance to errors, real-time requirements), these applications impose widely varying requirements on the underlying network and operating systems.

Our primary research objective is to conduct the basic and experimental research necessary to address the problems that lie at the core of these emerging applications. Over the past few years, we have investigated techniques for designing: (1) a multimedia file system for storage and retrieval of multi-resolution multimedia objects, (2) network algorithms and protocols for transmission of multimedia objects over integrated services networks, and (3) operating system mechanisms such as processor scheduling as well as transport and higher layer protocols for efficient processing and streaming of data at the end-station.

Integrated File Systems
Techniques for efficiently managing storage and retrieval of heterogeneous objects depend upon their characteristics, access pattern, and performance requirements. Consequently, a file system for heterogeneous data objects should export multiple service classes (e.g., best-effort, real-time), as well as enable the coexistence of multiple data type specific policies for placement, retrieval, fault tolerance, and caching. We have developed Symphony, a multimedia file system that meets these requirements. Symphony implements novel techniques for audio, video, imagery, and scalable dynamic arrays of scientific data, along with conventional techniques for textual data. It enables the coexistence of these diverse techniques by carefully separating data type independent mechanisms from data type specific policies, and instantiating them in a layered architecture.

Network Algorithms and Protocols for Integrated Services Networks
To meet the wide range of application requirements (defined in terms of end-to-end delay, bandwidth, packet loss, etc.), integrated services networks employ packet scheduling algorithms. A suitable packet scheduling algorithm for integrated services network should meet application requirements and support hierarchical link bandwidth allocation to enable the coexistence of multiple services and protocols in a network. We have designed a class of algorithms---Start-time Fair Queuing (SFQ) and Fair Airport (FA)---that meet these requirements. We have analyzed single server delay and fairness properties of these algorithms. A network of servers is more difficult to analyze since each node along the path may employ a different scheduling algorithm, packets may be fragmented and reassembled, etc. Yet, we have been able to develop compositional techniques that allow a network to be analyzed as a single server. Our technique decouples the service guarantee provided by a network from source traffic characterization, and derives tight performance bounds for heterogeneous networks.

Operating System Support at End-Stations
Most conventional CPU scheduling algorithms have been designed for specific application classes (e.g., earliest deadline first and rate monotonic algorithms for hard real-time applications, time-sharing for best-effort applications). A general purpose computing environment, however, will need to support applications with different service requirements. We have developed a hierarchical CPU scheduling framework that enables different schedulers to be employed for different application classes, while protecting application classes from one another. In this framework, the hierarchical partitioning is specified by a tree. Each thread in the system belongs to exactly one leaf node, and each node in the tree represents either an application class or an aggregation of application classes. Whereas the requirements of application classes determine the leaf node schedulers, intermediate nodes are scheduled by SFQ. This approach provides throughput guarantees to each application class, and does not impose higher overhead than conventional time-sharing schedulers.

We are utilizing the distributed computing infrastructure resulting from our research to design InfoWeave, a visual environment for creation and dissemination of digital educational material. InfoWeave will greatly enhance the process of delivering educational material by utilizing video as the primary medium for delivering educational material, and using the associated textual material to search for specific video segments. In InfoWeave, the educational material will be organized in terms of modules, each encapsulating information on a specific topic at a certain level of detail. To help a user navigate through this repository, InfoWeave will utilize links to specify relationships between data items within modules. Links will be applied either by publication-time compilation of the links into application's hypertext format, or via browse-time user queries on keywords, phrases, sections, etc. By supporting various types of links, InfoWeave will support both reader-driven and author-driven navigation. Moreover, it will allow users to control their own view of the information. Using this navigation facility, InfoWeave will support mechanisms to create lectures, courses, or entire curricula (possibly inter-disciplinary) by composing together a set of modules.

In summary, we envision that the next generation Internet will support complex distributed applications that will involve storing, transmitting, processing, and visualizing large volumes of heterogeneous data. At the core of these applications lies fertile ground for research and development, ranging from design of algorithms to network and operating systems design, and from tools and methodologies for application development to human-computer interfaces. Our research is driven by two primary objectives: (1) development of efficient techniques for resource management -- including computing, communication, and storage resources -- that satisfy the requirements of these applications; and (2) evaluation of these techniques in realistic applications. Over the past few years, we have addressed some basic resource management problems, but many more remain in designing an end-to-end architecture for the next generation of distributed applications. We plan to address these problems and then apply our architecture to develop next generation data acquisition, analysis, and visualization applications in the medical and scientific domains.

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14 April 1999
Site maintained by Syed M. Amir Husain