The 1st International Workshop on Real-Time Mission-Critical Systems: Grand Challenge Problems
November 30, 1999; Phoenix, Arizona USA

Held in Conjunction with the 20th IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS).

This is the first in a series of symposia to address the technological challenges of engineering large, complex real-time mission-critical systems (RTMCSs). Real-time systems are those which are time-constrained. Mission-critical systems are those which have important strategic roles within an enterprise; success or failure of the enterprise is linked strongly to success or failure of the mission-critical system. To establish the focus of the RTMCS community, the workshop theme will be Grand Challenge Problems. Approximately on grand challenge technology problems.

The symposium agenda will include presentations that define grand challenge problems by describing the problem requirements and identifying current technological challenges presented by the problems. Additionally, a representative of the IEEE Technical Committee on Real-Time Systems will present Grand Challenge Problems identified in a recent practitioner survey. Potential presenters are invited to submit a 1-5 page description of a grand challenge problem and its technological challenges. All submissions must relate clearly to a specific real-world application.

Submissions should be made in electronic form to one of the Workshop Chairs by October 1, 1999. Authors will be notified of review decisions by Oct. 15, 1999, and camera-ready papers will be due by Nov. 5, 1999.

Topics of interest for grand challenge real-time mission-critical application systems include:

Topics of interest pertaining to grand challenge technology problems include:

Workshop Chairs

Michael W. Masters, Code B35, The Naval Surface Warfare Center

Lonnie R. Welch, Electrical Engineering & Computer Science, Ohio University

RTSS Conference Contacts:
Sherry Escalante []
Administrative Assistant to RTSS Program Chair, Dr. Wei Zhao, []
Dept. of Computer Science
Texas A&M University
Phone: 409-845-3535
Fax: 409-845-1420