Subsection 6.2.4 Rational and Irrational Numbers
Let’s define two more useful classes of numbers.
Definition of Rational Numbers
A rational number is a number that can be expressed as the quotient of two integers. So, for example, the following are all rational numbers:
5, \(\frac{7}{11}\text{,}\) \(\frac{3475}{58}\text{,}\) \(\frac{- 7}{985}\)
In case you’re thinking that 5 doesn’t appear to be a quotient, notice that we could have written it as \(\frac{5}{1}\text{.}\)
We’ll leave writing this definition as a logical expression as a problem for you to solve.
Definition of Irrational Numbers
An irrational number is a real number that isn’t rational. Two important irrational numbers are π and \(\sqrt{2}\text{.}\) There are, of course, infinitely many more.
Big Idea
Modern mathematics could not exist without the logical tools that we have been describing.
Exercises Exercises
Which (one or more) of the following proposed definitions for the rational numbers is correct:
I. ∃x, y, z (Rational(x) ≡ (x = \(\frac{y}{z}\)))
II. ∀x (Rational(x) ≡ (∃y, z (x = \(\frac{y}{z}\))))
III. ∃x (∀y, z (Rational(x) ≡ (x = \(\frac{y}{z}\))))
Just I.
Just II.
Just III.
Two of them
All three of them