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Subsection 3.1.4 Setting Up a Proof

Suppose that we want to show that a set of premises implies a conclusion:

  1. \(\displaystyle (premise_1 \wedge premise_2 \wedge premise_3 \wedge \cdots \wedge premise_n ) \rightarrow conclusion \)

In other words, we want to show that there is no circumstance in which the premises are true but the conclusion isn’t. Recall that that’s equivalent to showing that [1] is a tautology .

So, to construct a proof, we do the following:

  1. Choose a set of premises whose truth we are willing to accept.

  2. Construct the logical statement that is the conjunction of all of them. That gives us something like:

    \((premise_1 \wedge premise_2 \wedge premise_3 \wedge \cdots \wedge premise_n ) \rightarrow conclusion \)

  3. Construct the logical statement that asserts that such a conjunction implies the desired conclusion. That gives us something like:

    [1] ( premise 1 ∧ premise 2 ∧ premise 3 ∧ … ∧ premise n ) → conclusion

  4. Show that [1] is a tautology. In other words, that, for any assignment of the values T and F to the variables in [1], the truth value of [1] is T . You might, at this point, argue that we don’t actually need the whole column to be T . We really only care about the cases where the premises are themselves true. But how are we going to know which rows those are? It’s not just when the variables are T since (as a trivial example), we could have ¬ p as a premise. So we’ll insist on a proof that the whole column is T . But, in the next section, we’ll look at an alternative to truth tables as a proof technique. One of the wins of that alternative (which we’ll call, “natural deduction”), is that we won’t necessarily have to consider irrelevant combinations of truth values.

Who Drives Me

Let’s give names to some basic statements:

J: John must drive me to the store.

M: Mary must drive me to the store.

L: John will be late for work.

Using those statements, we can state our premises:

[1] J \(\vee \) M John or Mary must drive me to the store.

[2] J \(\rightarrow \) L If John drives me to the store, he will be late for work.

[3] \(\neg \) L John cannot be late for work.

The conclusion that we’d like to draw is:

[4] M Mary must drive me to the store.

We want to prove that, if all the premises are true, then the conclusion follows. So we need to form the conjunction of our premises and then set up an implication with that conjunction on the left and the conclusion (i.e., M) on the right. That gives us:

[5] ((J \(\vee \) M) \(\wedge\) (J \(\rightarrow\) L) \(\wedge\) ( \(\neg \) L)) \(\rightarrow \) M

And now we must show that [5] is a tautology. If it is, our premises imply our conclusion.

How shall we prove that we’ve got a tautology? In the Wet Sidewalks example, the logical expressions were so simple that we just derived our conclusion informally. But now we have something where it’s less obvious how to reason correctly.

We’re going to describe two different approaches to constructing sound proofs. The first uses a technique we already know: truth tables.

Then we’ll introduce an alternative that we’ll call “natural deduction”. It corresponds more closely to the way we reason in everyday life. But we’ll define it formally so that we’re sure that we can’t erroneously draw conclusions that don’t follow from our premises.

Exercises Exercises


Let’s continue with the Wet Sidewalks example. We’ll use the following names for statements:

R : It’s raining.

W : The sidewalks are wet.

S : The sidewalks are slippery.

C : It is important to be careful.

I It is important to walk rather than run.

Suppose that we have the following premises:

[1] R \(\rightarrow\) W If it’s raining then the sidewalks will be wet.

[2] WS If the sidewalks are wet, they will be slippery.

[3] SC If the sidewalks are slippery then it is important to be careful.

[4] R It’s raining.

Consider the following facts that we could add to our list of premises:

  1. I It is important to walk rather than run.

  2. C It is important to be careful.

  3. IC If it is important to walk rather than run then it is important to be careful.

  4. CI If it is important to be careful then it is important to walk rather than run.

Which of these statements describes how we could add premises to make it possible to conclude that it is important to walk rather than run:

  1. I is the only premise that would make the proof possible.

  2. III is the only premise that would make the proof possible.

  3. IV is the only premise that would make the proof possible.

  4. Either II or III would make the proof possible.

  5. Either I or IV would make the proof possible.

Correct answer: E.
Explanation: We want to conclude I. So one simple thing to do is just to add I as a premise. Then we wouldn’t need anything else. But we could also add IV (C  I) instead. Since we can already prove C (that it’s important to be careful), we’d then be able to conclude that it’s important to walk rather than run. Notice that III gets it backwards: it let us conclude something if we already knew that it’s important to walk. And II gives us no new information since we already were able to prove it from the other premises.


Another extension of the Wet Sidewalks example. We’ll use the following names for statements:

R : It’s raining.

W : The sidewalks are wet.

S : The sidewalks are slippery.

C : It is important to be careful.

U I should bring an umbrella.

Suppose that we have the following premises:

[1] RW If it’s raining then the sidewalks will be wet.

[2] WS If the sidewalks are wet, they will be slippery.

[3] SC If the sidewalks are slippery then it is important to be careful.

[4] R It’s raining.

Consider the following facts that we could add to our list of premises:

  1. U I should bring an umbrella.

  2. SU If the sidewalks are slippery then I should bring an umbrella.

  3. WU If the sidewalks are wet then I should bring an umbrella.

  4. RU If it’s raining then I should bring an umbrella.

Which of these statements describes how we could add premises to make it possible to conclude that I should bring an umbrella:

  1. I is the only premise that would make the proof possible.

  2. III is the only premise that would make the proof possible.

  3. IV is the only premise that would make the proof possible.

  4. Either I or IV would make the proof possible but none of the others would.

  5. Adding any one of the premises would make the proof possible.

Correct answer is E.
Explanation: We want to conclude U. So one simple thing to do is just to add I (U) as a premise. Then we wouldn’t need anything else. But we could also add IV (R  U) instead. Since we have the premise that it is raining, we’d then be able to prove the need for an umbrella. But adding II or III also works. We could already prove that the sidewalks are slippery. So we can go from there to the need for an umbrella. Similarly, we could already prove that the sidewalks are wet, so we could go from there to the need for an umbrella.


Another extension of the Wet Sidewalks example: We’ll add the following name for a statement:

Y : It’s sunny.

Suppose that we start with the following premises:

[1] RW If it’s raining then the sidewalks will be wet.

[2] WS If the sidewalks are wet, they will be slippery.

[3] SC If the sidewalks are slippery then it is important to be careful.

[4] R It’s raining.

[5] WY If the sidewalks are wet, it’s sunny. (This one is new.)

Consider the following statements:

[6] Y It’s sunny.

[7] RY It’s raining and it’s sunny.

[8] ¬ R It’s not raining.

Which of the following correctly describes the new conclusion(s) that we’ll now be able to prove, given our premises:

  1. Just [6].

  2. Just [7].

  3. Just [8].

  4. Just [6] and [7].

  5. All three.

Correct answer is D.
Explanation: Using the fact that it’s raining and the new fact that raining implies sunny, we can derive that it is sunny. We still know, of course, that it’s raining, so we know that it is both raining and sunny. Finally, while you may think that, in the real world, if it’s sunny it isn’t raining, we have no way to conclude that with just the information we’ve been given as premises. So [8] is the only one we can’t prove. Also, notice here that we got a fairly nonsensical conclusion (It’s raining and it’s sunny.) because we added a fairly nonsensical premise (If the sidewalks are wet, it’s sunny.)