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Subsection 3.4.8 Suppose You Want More Rules

By the way, there is nothing “magic” about the particular list of identities and inference rules that we’ve shown here.

If you decide you need to look at some other “Learn Logic” resources (but why would you?), you may find more identities:

  • Exportation

  • Negation of Conditional

You may also find more inference rules:

  • Biconditional Introduction

  • Biconditional Elimination

  • Disjunction Elimination

  • Constructive Dilemma

  • Destructive Dilemma

  • Absorption

  • Law of Clavius

We chose the ones we did because they’re the most useful. And at some point, it just isn’t worth memorizing a longer list.

But if you want more, you can have them. You can create them even in the middle of a proof. Whenever you’re working with Boolean expressions and you’d like to apply a rule that you’re pretty sure is sound but that does not show up on our list, all you have to do is:

  1. Write it down. Probably give it a name.

  2. Use a truth table (or the natural deduction technique that we’re about to learn) to prove it.

Then it’s yours.

Exercises Exercises

Exercise Group.

Indicate, for each of these proposed “identities” and “inference rules”, whether it’s one we could have added to our list. (Hint: Use a truth table.)


1. Valid identity or not? (( pq ) → r ) ≡ ( p → ( qr ))

  1. Yes, this is a valid identity.

  2. No, this isn’t a valid identity.

Correct answer: A
Explanation: This is a valid identity. It is, in fact, the Exportation identity.

2. Valid rule or not? pq




  1. Yes, this is a sound rule.

  2. No, this isn’t a sound rule.

Correct answer: A.
Explanation: This rule is sound . It is, in fact, the Constructive Dilemma rule.

3. Valid rule or not? pq

( pq ) → r


  1. Yes, this is a sound rule.

  2. No, this isn’t a sound rule.

Correct answer: B.
Explanation: This rule is not sound. It’s easy to see this just by considering a single row of the truth table. Suppose that p is T, q is F, and r is F. Then p  q is T. (p  q)  r is T (because (p  q) is F). So this rule would let us infer r. Sound rules only let us infer things that must be true. So, if the rule were sound, r would have to be T, but it isn’t.