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Subsection 3.5.8 Backward Reasoning – Modus Tollens Proof Problem: Election


Assign the following names to basic statements:

C : I endorse Carol.

P : I endorse Peter.

W : Carol will win.

X : Taxes are cut.

Prove: CP I must endorse Carol or Peter.

CW If I endorse Carol, she will win.

WX If she wins, taxes will be cut.

¬ X Taxes cannot be cut.

P I must endorse Peter.

You should do this proof yourself.

You can also watch our video, which will outline our strategy for doing this.

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Exercise Group.


Prove: \(H \rightarrow ( S \vee G\) )

¬ G


  • S

Invoke Querium ---PsQs11
[1] H  (S  G) Premise [2] G Premise [3] H Premise [4] S  G Modus Ponens [1], [3] [5] S Disjunctive Syllogism [2], [4]

Prove: ¬ pr


¬ s

  • ¬ p

(Hint: For this one, you’re not going to be able to reason forward with Modus Ponens. You’ll want to reason “backwards”. What rule lets you do that?)

Invoke Querium. ---PsQs12 [1] p  r Premise [2] r  s Premise [3] s Premise [4] r Modus Tollens [2], [3] [5] p Disjunctive Syllogism [1], [4]
Explanation (to appear in Quest after return from Querium): We realized that we had to use the first premise [1], since it’s the only one that mentions p. Then we noted that, if we knew r, we could use Disjunctive Syllogism with [1] to derive p. So we used [2] and [3] to derive r and then derive our conclusion, p.

3. Prove: p ∨ ¬( qr )

q → ( rp )

(Hint: You can use Conditional Disjunction to turn or s into implications.)

Invoke Queirum. ---PsQs13 [1] p  (q  r) Premise [2] p  (q  r) De Morgan [1] [3] (q  r)  p Commutativity of or [2] [4] q  (r  p) Associativity of or [3] [5] q  (r  p) Conditional Disjunction [4] [6] q  (r  p) Conditional Disjunction [5]
Explanation (to appear in Quest after return from Querium): This is a good example of how we can start with ands, ors, and nots and convert them into implications.

4. Let’s return yet again to a famous Catch-22 situation. We’ve given names to the following statements:

C : I’m crazy.

R : I’ve requested a mental health discharge from the Army.

E : I’m eligible for a mental health discharge from the Army.

In Joseph Heller’s book, the Army has two rules about this. We have encoded them as premises as follows:

[1] ECR Only way to be eligible is to be crazy and request the discharge.

[2] R →  ¬ C I’m not crazy if I’ve requested the discharge.

We want to prove that it’s not possible that I’m eligible for a discharge. (And, since we could do this same proof for anyone else, there can never be any of these discharges.)

So prove: ECR

R →  ¬ C

∴ ¬ E

Invoke Querium ---Catch22 [1] E → C  R Premise [2] R → C Premise [3] (C  R) → E Contrapositive [1] [4] (C  R) → E De Morgan [3] [5] R C Conditional Disjunction [2] [6] C R Commutativity [5] [7] E Modus Ponens [4], [6]