Subsection 2.3.2 The Truth Table App
We have built a Truth Table app that you can use to practice building truth tables. Watch the video to see a demo. Then, to try it out, go to 1 .

There are two ways to use the app:
You can go to the website and then enter a Boolean expression, using the symbols listed in the table that you’ll find there.
You can embed a Boolean expression into a url. For example, consider this url:
It will initialize a truth table for the expression (p ∨ ¬p) → ¬(q ∨ ¬q).
We’ll use this mode to set up problems for you to solve.
You will notice, when you click in a cell, that the cell(s) on which your current cell depends will be highlighted in blue.
The app can run in either of two modes:
Training wheels: Every time you enter a value, it will be highlighted in green if it’s correct, red if it’s incorrect. This is the default mode if you just start at the app’s website and enter an expression. And it’s what you’ll get if the first argument you send it in a url is “true” (as in our example above).
Go for broke: No feedback. You can cascade possibly incorrect values to your heart’s content. Set the first parameter to “false” to use this mode.
Exercises Exercises
Exercise Group.
Fill in a truth table for the expression: \(((p \wedge q) \rightarrow \neg p) \vee q \)
Click here to do that. url is:>!p)|q 3
When you’ve finished the whole table, enter the last column here. Enter a sequence of t’s and f’s, separated by a single space.
Fill in a truth table for the expression: \(\neg ((q \vee r) \wedge \neg q) \)
Click here to do that. url is:!((q|r)!q)
When you’ve finished the whole table, enter the last column here. Enter a sequence of t’s and f’s, separated by a single space.
Fill in a truth table for tĵhe expression: \(((p \rightarrow q) \vee r) \wedge \neg p \)
Click here to do that. url is:>q)|r)!p 4
When you’ve finished the whole table, enter the last column here. Enter a sequence of t’s and f’s, separated by a single space.