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Subsubsection 4.2.1 What If There Aren’t Any?

It’s tempting to think of ∀ as making a stronger claim than ∃ does. And often it does.

For example, consider: Existential Bears with Tails

[1] \(\forall \) x (Bear(x) \(\rightarrow \) HasTail(x)) All bears have tails.

[2] \(\exists \) x (Bear(x) \(\wedge \) HasTail(x)) There exists a bear with a tail.

[1] feels substantially stronger than [2] does. And, in fact, it says more about the real world

But it is possible to write a universal claim that actually says less than the corresponding existential claim does. This happens when, in fact, there are no objects to which the universal claim applies. Sometimes, when this happens, we’ll say that the universal claim is, “trivially true”, in the sense that it can’t be false because it doesn’t apply to anything.

Let Lucy be my calico cat. Now consider two things I might say:

[3] Lucy has won every game of solitaire she’s ever played.

\(\forall \) x (SolitaireGame(x) \(\wedge \) Played(Lucy, x) \(\rightarrow \) Won(Lucy, x))

[4] There is a solitaire game, played by Lucy, that she’s won.

\(\exists \)x (SolitaireGame(x) \(\wedge \) Played(Lucy, x) \(\wedge \) Won(Lucy, x))

Not unsurprisingly, there are no solitaire games played and lost by Lucy. So [3] is trivially true. Yet [4], the seemingly weaker existential claim, is false since Lucy has (to my knowledge) never played solitaire

By the way, you’ll notice, in both of the examples we just showed, that while the universal claim contains an implication, the existential one does not. It has an and instead. Why? Suppose that we had written:

[5] ∃x (Bear(x) → HasTail(x))

It’s hard to understand what this even means in this form. Recall that an implication is true unless the antecedent is true and the consequent is false. So we can make it true simply by making the antecedent false. (We did this formally in Boolean logic with the Conditional Disjunction rule that tells us that (pq) ≡ (¬pq). We’ll soon see how to use this rule in quantified statements.) Thus we can read [5] as, “There exists something that is not a bear or that has a tail.” Of course, the universe contains both many nonbears (including you) and many tailed objects (including Lucy, above). So this statement is true. But it says nothing about whether there must exist at least one actual bear that has a tail. Since that’s what we were trying to talk about, we used ∧ instead of →.

We’ll keep returning to this idea. It’s very rare that what you want is an implication inside an existentially quantified statement.

Exercises Exercises

Exercise Group.


1. The Dumb Parrot

The owner of a pet shop tells a customer the parrot in the cage is extremely intelligent - in fact, “this bird will repeat every word he hears.” The customer, impressed, buys the parrot. In a few days, the outraged customer returns with the parrot, saying, “I spoke to him for hours every day, but this stupid bird has not repeated a single word I said.”

Which of the following is true? (Hint: the pet shop owner is also a mathematician.)

  • The pet shop owner must have lied.

  • There is another explanation that could take the pet shop owner off the hook for lying.

Explanation: It is possible that the pet shop owner didn’t lie. The easiest explanation (and the one that is suggested by the discussion we’ve just had), is that the parrot hasn’t heard anything (because he’s deaf or really able to avoid listening). Thus it’s trivially true that he repeated everything he heard. There are other possibilities as well. For example, the pet shop owner didn’t say when the repeating would occur. Maybe it always occurs a year to the day after the parrot has heard something. There is also the possibility that the customer is lying and the parrot has been talking up a storm. [This problem is taken from The Chicken From Minsk 1  by Y.Chernyak and R.Rose Basic Books, 1995. There it is called the Dumb Parrot.]

2. For each of the following statements, indicate whether or not it is true in the world in which we live:

a) All flu-causing bacteria can be killed with Diet Coke.

b) All flu cases are reported to the CDC.


a). True

b). False


a).Flu is caused by a virus. There aren’t any flu-causing bacteria. So this is trivially true.

b). There are flu cases. So this could only be true if all of them are reported to the CDC. But many people don’t even call a doctor. So that’s not true.

The Chicken From Minsk