CS371p: Object-Oriented Programming

  • Fall 2024: 50595 (57), 50600 (55)
  • 26 Aug - 9 Dec 2024

Project #1: Grades

  • Due: Wed, 11 Sep, 11:59 pm
  • Issues


  • Write a program, individually, to solve Grades [C++20 (g++ 8.3.0, C++20 standard, 2 sec, 512 MB, source 50 KB)].
  • You may not use new, delete, malloc() or free(). You may use the STL.


  • get a GitLab account
  • fork the public code repo (https://gitlab.com/gpdowning/cs371p-grades/) to become your private code repo (https://gitlab.com/GitLabID/cs371p-grades/)
  • enable issues here: Settings -> General -> Visibility, project features, permissions -> Issues
  • create the following issue labels here: Issues -> New Issue -> Labels -> Manage project labels (labels are case sensitive):
    • build (Titanium yellow)
    • code (Dark violet)
    • documentation (Gray)
    • tests (Dark coral)
  • import the issues: Issues -> Import issues -> Import CSV
  • close all provided issues
  • add and close new issues as you debug and develop your solution
  • provide your GitLab URL on the Canvas assignment



Assets Location
  • 3 tests
  • at least 2 tests to be eligible to resubmit
Build Files
  • add at least 5 more issues
Unit Tests
Acceptance Tests
Continuous Integration
  • create inline comments if you need to explain the why of a particular implementation
  • run doxygen (Grades.hpp only)
  • git log
  • Grades.html
  • Grades.log.txt

Academic Integrity

  • In Canvas, there is a quiz, Academic Integrity Quiz.
  • Complete that quiz.
  • Multiple attempts are permitted, but you must eventually get all questions right in order to receive credit for this project.

Copyright © Glenn P. Downing, 1995-2024
Updated 22 Sep 2024