In this assignment, you are to implement the Gamma Join architecture as a single Java program using multiple threads and Java pipes exactly as in the Gamma lecture notes – no short cuts! (Short cuts will be deduct from your grade).
Warning: this is a substantial assignment. It will take you several days to finish. Do not delay in getting started. This assignment will count two (2) times a typical programming assignment, so take it seriously.
Here is the Netbeans Shell for this project to get you started.Before you begin this project, I am supplying you the source code of a parallel sort. The refinement from sequential to parallel is:
Here is its Netbeans source code that uses Java pipes. Run the regression tests, see how the regression tests are set up and how each box above is coded. Only when you understand how this program works should you proceed any further with this assignment.
Note because of the way Java pipes work, one has to "hack" the OMerge operation by round-robin polling from each pipe. Ideally, one should transmit the next output received from any pipe, but this is not possible the way Java pipes work now. You will need to use this "hack" in other situations in this assignment.
I am giving you the source of two packages:
Connector c = new Connector("A_to_B");
ReadEnd re = c.getReadEnd();
WriteEnd we = c.getWriteEnd();
Note: there is a bug in Java Pipes. If you serialize tuples and pushed them through pipes, your program will fail. (I have no idea why). If tuples are serialized as Java Strings, there is no problem. The Tuple class of gammaSupport provides an appropriate String serialization method for you to use.
Note: Carefully read and understand
the BMap class. It implements tuple hashing and
manipulates bitmaps. There are many ways in which MMERGE
and MSPLIT can be realized. The simplest is this: M
is a n*k bitmap. The join key of an A tuple is hashed
twice: once to determine the row of M, the second to determine the column
within the selected row. Thus, all tuples of substream
Ai hash to row i of M. MMERGE combines M1...Mn into M by boolean disjunction. For each i, MSPLIT
extracts row i from M and zeros out the rest of Mi.
Note:Use/import the ParallelSort RegTest package in your project along with basicConnector and gammaSupport. The reason is that if there is an error in your code, you can use a debugger to see what arguments you are using (or RegTest knows that you are using) to discover your problem.
Note: you'll waste a lot of time and write some ugly code if you do not read and understand all of the above code before you proceed. Part of your grade is the ability to read and leverage existing code rather than hacking your own.
Now, carefully re-read the lecture notes on Gamma and how its design was incrementally developed. I suggest that you:
1. Start by implementing a ReadTable component that reads a text file and produces a stream of Strings that represent records. You'll reuse this component all the time in your tests. You will need to use Java's StringTokenizer to parse lines of input files (given below).
2. Next, implement a Print component that prints a stream of tuples to standard out.
3. Now, begin building components like HJOIN, BFILTER, etc. one at a time. Below I give you the core methods of a test for the HJOIN component:
public void join(String r1name,
String r2name, int jk1, int jk2)
throws Exception { System.out.println( "Joining " + r1name + " with " + r2name
); ThreadList.init();
Connector c1 = new Connector("input1"); ReadTable r1 = new ReadTable(r1name, c1);
Connector c2 = new Connector("input2"); ReadTable r2 = new ReadTable(r2name, c2);
Connector o = new Connector("output"); HJoin hj = new HJoin(c1, c2,
jk1, jk2, o);
Print p = new Print(o);; } // run 3 joins to verify that the HJOIN implementation is correct. // Utility is from RegTest.jar @Test public void jointest()
throws Exception { Utility.redirectStdOut("out.txt");
join("parts", "odetails",
0, 1);
join("client", "viewing", 0, 0);
join("orders", "odetails",
0, 0); Utility.validate("out.txt",
"CorrectOutput/jointest.txt",true); } |
Note: below is a pipe and filter diagram that the above code implements. Note that the diagram doesn't show the details of what file to read or the join key; this information is conveyed directly as argument sin the calls above.
Note on Thread Constructors: The last line in each constructor (ReadTable, HJoin, Print, etc) represents a primitive computation that is implemented as a thread, the last of its constructor is ThreadList.add(this); --- that is, each created thread puts itself on the thread list, so that when is executed, all threads that are created will be run. The reason I did this is that you always have to place each created thread on the ThreadList. And since it is easy to forget to do this, put this action into the constructor so that you never will forget as it is done for you. FYI, this is another example of a leaking constructor.
You will need tables to join. I provide a client view database which has several tables (which I have unpacked for you): client, viewing, orders, parts, odetails. I also provide tables that are produced by particular joins:
so that you can compare your output with correct output. These solutions are there for you to confirm that you are producing the correct output, not that this is the format that your output should be in. (Ex. joinkey columns may be duplicated). You are free to permute the order of rows and columns -- but in your regression tests, you must be able to verify that you are producing the correct output (whatever it is that you decide).
Note: the joins I provide and that you will compute are called "natural joins" -- that is, the join key for two tables is the column(s) that both tables have in common. You should assume that there is only one column in common for every join you will encounter.
Note: I suggest that you use these "correct" files to get started. When you use the RegTest code, you may discover that you are outputting the correct result, except for some strange invisible characters at the end of the file. When you see that you are in this situation, simply copy your generated output (which you know to be correct, except for the end-of-line or end-of-file strangeness) and simply make it the "correct" output from this point on.
You must clearly explain and demonstrate that you have implemented the final parallel hash-join architecture in the lecture notes. You should have substantial tests for each component that you write. And you should have a substantial write-up of what you have done, how you have proceeded, and your organization.
The first thing is that you don't write your own file read and file write methods for reading relational tables. You use MDELite. Further, I suggest two main class hierarchies. Here's the first -- every terminal class is a primitive, whose object is a thread. See note above on thread constructors.
The meaning of these classes is below:
Note: The boxes in green above I have given you (I think) the full source. So check them out!
The following boxes/classes implement pipe-and-filter graphs that implement the functionality of the primitive boxes above (and thus have the same iconic "shape"). They are not part of the Thread hierarchy as only the building blocks above are implemented as threads.
These boxes implement various non-primitive implementations of the HJoin box/primitive. In the notes, one implementation map-reduced HJoin, another implementation implemented HJoin using BFilter and Bloom boxes wired together, and finally the entire Gamma graph. The terminal boxes are subclasses of Gamma.ArrayConnectors, which provides useful ways of creating arrays of pipes in one call. Not all methods of Gamma.ArrayConnectors may be needed for this project; all are fairly simple.