Resources for Learning about Logic, Sets and Functions
For a sneak preview of CS 313H, take a look at the class website. One of the things you'll find there is the email address of the 313H teaching assistant, Brittany Middleton. She is happy to answer any questions you have over the summer.
One way to learn logic is to read a book:
- The textbook for CS 313H will be Logic, Sets and Recursion by Robert Causey. If you're interested in getting a head start, you might want to get it now.
- Another very good book, which starts at the beginning and moves through to quite advanced concepts is Learning to Reason: An Introduction to Logic, Sets and Relations by Nancy Rogers. It is targeted specifically at computer scientists, so it contains lots of examples of direct relevance to computer design and to programming.
But you don't need to spend the summer reading books. The web is full of great resources for getting experience with the basic notions of logic, sets, and functions:
- Propositional logic:
- Predicate logic
- Predicate Logic. All the basic definitions plus, in a separate section, interactive exercises.
- Sets