CS302 Computer Literacy
Elaine Rich

Academic Integrity

All students in this class will be held to the highest standard of academic honesty and integrity. You should read CS Department Code of Conduct. The policies described there will be followed in this class.

The sections that follow elaborate on the academic integrity policy described there and provide the specifics of what is expected in this class.


Homeworks Unless explicitly stated otherwise in the description of an assignment, the rules are:

·         You may discuss the assignment with other people.

·         You must write up your solution on your own.  The words you use must be your own except in the case of quotations that are explicitly cited.

Working in teams may be allowed for some assignments.  When that is the case, we will tell you.

If any student is found to have turned in homework solutions that violate this policy, the minimum penalty will be a 0 on the entire homework portion of the class grade.  Depending on the circumstances, a maximum penalty of an F in the class may be assigned and a cheating report will be filed with the Dean of Students Office.


Exams Any form of cheating on an exam will result in a grade of F in the class and a cheating report being sent to the Dean of Students Office.