UGS 303  Foundations of Logical Thought
Elaine Rich

Alan Cline


Your final grade will be based on two components:


·       Exams – There will be two midterms, each worth 10 points, and a final, worth 20 points.


·       Assignments and participation – You will be able to count a total of 60 points.


Together, you can accumulate 100 points.  We will use this total as the basis for computing your final grade, with one key exception:  We will assign a letter grade to your exam total by itself.  And you cannot get a final grade that is more than one letter grade higher than your exam grade.  In other words, you must do well on the exams to do well in the course.


Plus and minus grades will be given.


Accumulating Assignment and Participation Points:


It will be possible to accumulate about 70 points (of which you can count 60).  So you can make some choices about which projects and activities to do.  More details will be published over the course of the semester.  But roughly, there will be (with all numbers being approximate):


Quest assignments                        25 points

Written homeworks                        20 points

Digital circuits project                      6 points

Finite state machines project          6 points

Class participation                           7 points

Extra credit opportunities                6 points




We will assign the score of 100% to the highest raw score that anyone in the class gets on the Quest material.  Other scores will be scaled from that.  This means that issues with Quest (both technical ones and ones that may arise, for example, if a question is ambiguous or its stored answer is wrong) won’t drag everyone’s score down.  So, don’t stress about small numbers of points that you lose on Quest.  Everyone will lose some and yet someone will get 100%.