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When considering the unmanageable complexity of computer systems, Dijkstra recently made the following observations [3]:

(i) When exhaustive testing is impossible -i.e., almost always- our trust can only be based on proof (be it mechanized or not).
(ii) A program for which it is not clear why we should trust it, is of dubious value.
(iii) A program should be structured in such a way that the argument for its correctness is feasible and not unnecessarily laborious.
(iv) Given the proof, deriving a program justified by it, is much easier than, given the program, constructing a proof justifying it.

The core curriculum of any first-rate undergraduate Computer Science department includes at least one course that focuses on the formal derivation and verification of algorithms [4]. Many of us in scientific computing may have, at some point in time, hastily dismissed this approach, arguing that this is all very nice for small, simple algorithms, but an academic exercise hardly applicable in ``our world.'' Since it is often the case that our work involves libraries comprised of hundreds of thousands or even millions of lines of code, the knee-jerk reaction that this approach is much too cumbersome to take seriously is understandable and the momentum of established practices and ``traditional wisdom'' do little if anything to dissuade one from this line of reasoning. Yet, as the result of our search for superior methods for designing and constructing high-performance parallel linear algebra libraries, we have come to the conclusion that it is only through the systematic approach offered by formal methods that we will be able to deliver reliable, maintainable, flexible, yet highly efficient matrix libraries even in the relatively well-understood area of (sequential and parallel) dense linear algebra. In this paper we attempt to make this case.

While some would immediately draw the conclusion that a change to a more modern programming language like C++ is at least highly desirable, if not a necessary precursor to writing elegant code, the fact is that most applications that call packages like LAPACK [1] and ScaLAPACK [2] are still written in FORTRAN and/or C. Interfacing such an application with a library written in C++ presents certain complications. However, during the mid-nineties, the Message-Passing Interface (MPI) introduced to the scientific computing community a programming model, object-based programming, that possesses many of the advantages typically associated with the intelligent use of an object-oriented language [6]. Using objects (e.g. communicators in MPI) to encapsulate data structures and hide complexity, a much cleaner approach to coding can be achieved. Our own work on the Parallel Linear Algebra Package (PLAPACK) borrowed from this approach in order to hide details of data distribution and data mapping in the realm of parallel linear algebra libraries [7]. The primary concept also germane to this paper is that PLAPACK raises the level of abstraction at which one programs so that indexing is essentially removed from the code, allowing the routine to reflect the algorithm as it is naturally presented in a classroom setting. Since our initial work on PLAPACK, we have experimented with similar interfaces in such seemingly disparate contexts as (parallel) out-of-core linear algebra packages and a low-level implementation of the sequential BLAS [5].

FLAME is the latest step in the evolution of these systems. It facilitates the use of a programming style that is equally applicable to everything from out-of-core, parallel systems to single-processor systems where cache-management is of paramount concern.

Over the last seven or eight years it has become apparent that what makes our task of library development more manageable is this systematic approach to deriving algorithms coupled with the abstractions we use to make our code reflect the algorithms thus produced. Further, it is from these experiences that we can confidently state that this approach to programming greatly reduces the complexity of the resultant code and does not sacrifice high performance in order to do so.

Indeed, it is exactly the formal techniques that we may have at one time dismissed as merely academic or impractical which make this possible, as FLAME illustrates.

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Robert van de Geijn 2000-11-03