Blackboard Resources for CS352H

In addition to information posted on the class webpage, supplementary course announcements, notes, and papers will be made available via Blackboard. Blackboard also provides a forum for you and your classmates to correspond about anything CS352H related: looking for study partners, asking questions about confusing handouts, missed classes, etc. If you are not familiar with blackboard, instructions for using it are available here. The discussion forum can be accessed by clicking on "Discussion Board" on the taskbar along the left border of the page, and then clicking on "Discussion Room". This is very thread-oriented forum, if you wish to start a new thread you can post one by selecting "Thread" from the horizontal taskbar above the list of threads. Otherwise, if you wish to reply to a message in an existing thread, select "Reply" from the taskbar above the message content display.

Note that the instructor and TAs will not always be able to monitor the discussion forum on a timely basis, so do not use this for urgent communications. If you have an urgent question, please send the TA an email with a SUBJECT line of:

Subject: CS352H?:

or come visit during office hours. Face-to-face meetings are still recommended, even in this high-tech world.

Last modified: 08/19/09 by Don Fussell