Use the command turnin to
submit your project. Its usage is:
turnin -submit <grader> <project-name>
<file1> <file2>...
For this course the grader is theshark.
You will use standard project names of the following form for every project
where you have to use turnin: assignment1 for
the first assignment, project1 for the first full game project, etc.
Whenever you submit a file, it gets timestamped. These timestamps are used to determine whether the project is on time or not.
You can see whether the submission was successful or not by giving the
turnin -list <grader> <project-name>
This should show the list of files that got submitted.
If you want to submit the files: README, executable, and
executable.tar.gz for the assignment assignment1 and grader
theshark then give the following command:
turnin -submit theshark assignment1 README executable executable.tar.gz
Note that each file in the list can be either an ordinary file or a directory.
You need not submit the files all at once; you may use the command repeatedly to submit different files.
To confirm, type:
turnin -list theshark assignment1
If you submit a file a second time, then the previous file and its time
stamp will get over-written.
Once submitted, you can't undo your submission (although you can
overwrite any file).
Type "man turnin" on any department Linux machine.