Light Fields
Light Fields
Light Fields
are another flavour of Image Based Rendering. Light Fields simplify the
6D BRDF by dropping the light direction dependency. With a well
parameterised Light Field it is possible to generate new images from an
arbitrary view point. Nevertheless due to the simplification it is not
possible to re illuminate the scene or surface.
A new image from a light field can be
easily generated by searching in the ray space (slab) for a
similar ray to the desired one. Several parameterizations for the
slab can be chosen to allow the “indexing” and “query” of the light
field. [1] ,[2] and [4] present a two plane parameterization to sample
the light field, while [3] presents a spherical parameterization.
The two planes, one containing the
camera sampling positions (s,t) the other contain the the image plane
(u,v), are parallel aligned along an axis. A ray r(s,t,u,v) is fully
describe by the intersection points in the planes (s,t) and
(u,v). The lumigraph [4] requires additionally the depth for
each sampled r(s,t,u,v) two preform a depth correction in the final
rendering stage, while [2] requires the transformation matrix for each
camera position two allow a dynamic reparameterization and to explore
other photographic effects such as variable focus and depth of field.
The rendering is divided into two
stages: (i) query the slab for the most similar rays; (ii) combine the
resulting rays to approximate the desired ray. The nearest neighbour is
the most simple and easy to understand and the pseudo code is
pixels in the image
shoot a ray from camera position towards (st) and (uv) planes
compute the interception points (s’,u’) and (u’,v’)
obtain the closes ray to r(s’,t’,u’,v’)
render pixel
The resulting image will contain a
significant amount of undesirable artefacts. To reduced the amount of
artefacts [1] suggests the use of bilinear filters in both (s,t) and
(u,v) planes, while [4] uses the depth information to perform part of
the filtering.
A more comprehensive survey in Image
Based Rendering and Light Fields can be found in [5].
Light Fields
1]Levoy, M. and Hanrahan,
P. 1996. Light field rendering. In Proceedings of the 23rd Annual
Conference on Computer Graphics and interactive Techniques SIGGRAPH '96.
ACM, New York, NY, 31-42.
[2] Isaksen, A., McMillan,
L., and Gortler, S. J. 2000. Dynamically reparameterized light fields.
In Proceedings of the 27th Annual Conference on Computer Graphics and
interactive Techniques International Conference on Computer Graphics and
Interactive Techniques. ACM Press/Addison-Wesley Publishing Co., New
York, NY, 297-306.
[3] E. Camahort, A.
Lerios, and D. Fussell, "Uniformly sampled light fields," in 9th
Eurographics Workshop on Rendering, (Vienna, Austria), pp. 117-130,
June/July 1998.
[4] Gortler, S. J.,
Grzeszczuk, R., Szeliski, R., and Cohen, M. F. 1996. The lumigraph. In
Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Conference on Computer Graphics and
interactive Techniques SIGGRAPH '96. ACM, New York, NY, 43-54.
[5] Kang, S. B., Li, Y.,
Tong, X., and Shum, H. 2006. Image-based rendering. Found. Trends.
Comput. Graph. Vis. 2, 3 (Jan. 2006), 173-258. DOI=