LC-3 Linux Simulator Helpful Hints
This web page contains some useful hints regarding the Linux version
of the LC-3 simulator (lc3db). You should frequently check this page for
- If your program performs any I/O, the very first command you
should execute is run. This sets up the Supervisor Stack
which the Trap routines make use of.
- If you create an LC-3 .asm file on a Windows machine, it won't
assemble on a Unix machine right off the bat due to compatibility
issues. Do the following to make the file Unix compatible (I am
assuming that you are logged into a Linux machine and the file is
present in your CS account).
- Log into a Sun machine (eg. leaflock)
- Type: dos2unix windows_program.asm > unix_program.asm
Now the file called unix_program.asm should contain your
assembly code and should assemble on any Linux machine. Note that
the dos2unix utility is only present on Sun machines.
- In the GUI version executing the run command will open the
Execution Window. You should note that the execution window
is only meant for displaying output. If your program takes input
from the user, you will have to enter it through the debugger window
and not the execution window.
Don Fussell,