CS310H - Computer Organization and Programming - Honors (Spring 2010)

Course: Computer Organization and Programming
CS 310H
Unique Numbers: 54080, 54085
Instructor: Prof. Donald S. Fussell
ACES 2.120
Phone: 471-9719
Office Hours: Mon 11:00-12:00, Wed 11:00-12:00
Teaching Assistant: Aditya Rawal
Office: TBD
Office Hours: TBD
Class Meetings: MWF 10:00-11:00am, RLM 6.116
Discussion Sections: #54080: TH 9:00-10:00am, GAR 1.134
#54085: TH 11:00am-12:00pm, PAR 204
Class Information: WWW: www.cs.utexas.edu/users/fussell/cs310h
E-mail list:
Required Textbook: Introduction to Computing Systems: From Bits and Gates to C and Beyond, 2nd Edition Yale N. Patt and Sanjay J. Patel, McGraw-Hill Publishers, ISBN 0-07-246750-9, 2004.

Text can be purchased from the University Co-Op.

Prerequisites: Students must be enrolled in the Turing Scholars program or have permission from the instructor.

Course Objectives

To understand the basic operation of computing systems. Upon completing this course, students should have a high-level understanding of the role played by each major component of the system, including compiler, operating system, assembler, instruction set, and hardware. Programming assignments will be conducted on the departmental PCs running linux. You may also find the tools available on the departmental PCs running windows or you may install the tools on your own computer. However, you must ensure that any programming assignment you turn in functions correctly with the linux installation of the tools.

Student Evaluation

Your performance in this class will be evaluated through homework assignments, programming assignments, three quizzes, final exam, and participation in your discussion section. Each student's lowest quiz score will automatically be dropped. The weights of each of these components is listed below:

For each quiz and exam, you may bring a calculator and a single 8 1/2 x 11 sheet of handwritten notes. There will be no make-up quizzes or exams.

The assignments will be a combination of written work and programming work. The written work will help you pace yourself in the reading and in your understanding of lectures. The programming components will teach you how to think like a computer and is vitally important to your understanding of this course.

Assignments will be due at the beginning of your assigned discussion section. Your programming assignments will be submitted electronically and will require you to use your departmental Unix account. You may not email your assignments to the teaching staff. Programs will be graded on correctness, readability, style, and documentation.

You have a "late account" of 3 days for the term which you can spend any way you choose for your assigments. For example, you can turn in three homework assignment one day late each, or one homework assignment 3 days late, without penalty. An assignment is late if it is not turned in at the beginning of your assigned discussion section. It is one day late until 5pm of the day after it is due, two days late from then until 5pm of the second day, and three days late from then until 5pm of third day. Weekends from 5pm Friday until 5pm Monday count as a single late day. Once you have exhausted your late account, no late assignments will be accepted. You are responsible for turning in your assignment to your discussion section TA. The departmental homework drop box will not be used.

Academic Misconduct Policy

You are free to discuss the course material with your classmates and are encouraged to form study groups for the exams. However, collaboration on homework or programming assignments is not permitted unless explicitly stated by the instructor. Helping a friend understand the intent of a homework or programming assignment specification is permitted. Students who work together too closely (e.g. design their solution together) should be aware that this is a form of cheating called COLLUSION and is subject to academic penalties. Penalties for academic misconduct include a failing grade in this course.

The homework, programs, and exams must be the work of students turning them in. University policy (see Dean of Students' policies on academic integrity) will be followed strictly.

Acts that exceed the bounds defined by the approved collaboration practices will be considered cheating. Such acts include:

We urge everyone in the class to take appropriate measures for protecting one's work. You should protect your files, homework solution sheets, etc. as deemed reasonable.

Studying for tests together is permitted and encouraged. Please come talk to us if you are unsure about how to work together with your friend in a legal, helpful manner. Remember, it is always ok to "work together" with your professor or TA!

Your Responsibilities in This Class:

Other General Information

The programming assignments will require use of the Department of Computer Sciences instructional computing resources. All CS students who meet the prerequisites for CS310H are eligible for a CS departmental Microlab account and undergraduate Unix account.

Important links:

Course Material Outline
Course Schedule

Last modified: 01/21/10 by Don Fussell fussell@cs.utexas.edu