-------------------------------------------------------------------- Mohamed G. Gouda CS 356 Spring 2018 Exercise 3 -------------------------------------------------------------------- A client u sends a GET-page-x request when (1) the proxy server of u has the pair (x', T'), where x' is the version of page x that is last modified at time T', and when (2) the original server of x has the pair (x", T"), where x" is the version of page x that is last modified at time T". What is the response that client u will receive later as a reply to its request? Explain your answer. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution -------------------------------------------------------------------- We need to consider two cases: Case 1: (T' = T"): In this case, x' = x" and client u will receive the page version x' or the page version x" (since they are the same). Case 2: (T' < T"): In this case, client u will receive the page version x". Note that in each one of these two cases, client u will receive the page version x".