-------------------------------------------------------------------- Mohamed G. Gouda CS 356 Spring 2019 Exercise 3 -------------------------------------------------------------------- In the following HTTP scenario, a client c requests and gets a web page from server s. The requested web page consists of an HTML file that refers to a image. Both the file and the image are stored in the same server s. c --> s : SYN c <-- s : SYN-ACK c --> s : ACK + GET c <-- s : c --> s : GET c <-- s : Modify this scenario when the file is stored in a server s1 and the image is stored in another server s2. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Solution: ------------------------------------------------------------------ c --> s1 : SYN c <-- s1 : SYN-ACK c --> s1 : ACK + GET c <-- s1 : file c --> s2 : SYN c <-- s2 : SYN-ACK c --> s2 : ACK + GET c <-- s2 : image