---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mohamed G. Gouda CS 356 Spring 2019 Course Syllabus ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- In this course, we discuss the principles of computer networks and use the Internet as a concrete case study of these principles. We cover the following topics: 1. Architecture of Internet 2. Internet Service Providers (ISPs) 3. Network Protocols 4. Four Protocol Layers of Internet 5. Application Protocol Layer: Client-Server Applications Connectionless Applications Connection-Oriented Applications HTTP: Web Application SMTP: Email Application DNS: Name Resolution Application Peer-to-Peer Applications Bit-Torrent: File Distribution 6. Transport Protocol Layer: UDP: Connectionless Transport TCP: Connection-oriented Transport 7. Network Protocol Layer: Routers IP Addresses Routing Tables Fixed IP Addresses Temporary IP Addresses (DHCP) ICMP: Control Message Protocol IP Headers (versions 4 and 6) Intra-AS Routing Protocols: RIP OSPF Inter-AS Routing Protocols: eBGP iBGP Broadcast Routing Protocols: Flooding Protocol Spanning Tree Protocol 8. Link Protocol Layer: Switched Ethernet Architecture MAC Addresses Ethernet Frames Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) Multiple Access over Switched Ethernet Routing of Ethernet Frames Data Centers ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Course Instructor: Name: Mohamed G. Gouda Office: GDC 6.824 Web: www.cs.utexas.edu/~gouda Email: gouda AT cs DOT utexas DOT edu Phone: 512-554-2465 (10 am to 9 pm) Hour: Monday 12 pm to 1 pm ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Textbook: Kuros and Ross, Computer Networking: A Top Down Approach, Seventh Edition, Pearson, 2017. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Grades: Ten Exercises of 1 point each. Three Homeworks of 10 points each. Three Midterms of 20 points each. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Grade Cut-Offs: A is in the range [93 - 100] A- is in the range [90 - 92.5] B+ is in the range [87 - 89.5] B is in the range [83 - 86.5] B- is in the range [80 - 82.5] C+ is in the range [77 - 79.5] C is in the range [73 - 76.5] C- is in the range [70 - 72.5] D+ is in the range [67 - 69.5] D is in the range [63 - 66.5] D- is in the range [60 - 62.5] F is in the range [0 - 59.5] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Important Dates: Homeworks will be posted online on following Wednesdays: March 6, April 3, May 1 Homework solutions will be collected in class on following Wednesdays: March 13, April 10, May 8 Midterms will be conducted in class on following Fridays: March 15, April 12, May 10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Teaching Assistants: Name: Rezwana Reaz (rezwana@cs.utexas.edu) Office: GDC TA Station Desk 2 Office Hours: T and W 2 - 3 pm Name: Swadhin Pradhan (swadhin@cs.utexas.edu) Office: GDC TA Station Desk 1 Office Hours: Th and F 2 - 3 pm ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Signup Link for Piazza: pizza.com/utexas/spring2019/cs356 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------