GRACS | Graduate Representative Association of Computer Sciences
The name of this organization is the Graduate Representative Association
of Computer Sciences (GRACS).
The purposes of GRACS are:
- to represent and further the interests of computer science
(CS) graduate students within the Computer Sciences
department, the University of Texas at Austin, and the
community at large;
- to provide for dissemination of useful information to
CS graduate students, especially new students;
- to foster a sense of community within the Computer Sciences department.
GRACS shall consist of an Executive Committee; three permanent committees
(the COGS [Council Of Graduate Students] committee, the New Students
committee, and the Social committee), and other project committees
as required.
For the purposes of these bylaws, any person enrolled in a Computer
Sciences graduate degree program shall be considered a graduate
student, and is eligible to vote in GRACS elections and serve
on GRACS committees.
The Executive Committee shall oversee the creation, operation, and
dissolution of project committees and shall manage the GRACS budget.
It shall consist of six members serving one-year terms. Each
semester, the Executive Committee shall select three of its members
to hold the offices of chair, treasurer, and secretary.
The chair shall moderate discussion and organize
meetings, the treasurer shall manage GRACS funds as authorized by
the Executive Committee, and the secretary shall publicly
distribute announcements and summaries of Executive Committee meetings.
Terms of the Executive Committee members shall begin the week prior
to registration in the Fall or Spring semester following their election,
and shall be staggered so that three Executive Committee members
are elected in Fall and three in Spring.
Elections shall be held at the end of the Fall and Spring semesters
to select new members of the Executive Committee and to vote on any
amendments to the bylaws proposed during that semester. The nomination
period shall be announced and remain open for two weeks prior to the
Voting for Executive Committee members shall be by the approval method.
The ballot shall contain a list of all nominees, and voters may mark any
number of them; marking a nominee indicates approval of that nominee.
The three nominees who receive the most votes shall be elected.
Proposed amendments to these bylaws shall, upon submission of a
petition signed by five students, be placed on the ballot for the
next election. Any amendment approved by a two-thirds majority
of those voting shall take effect when the next Executive Committee
terms begin.
In any matter not covered specifically in these articles, the guiding
principles shall be fairness, reasonableness, and getting things done.
These bylaws shall become effective immediately upon being approved by
a two-thirds majority of students voting in a referendum during
the Fall 1988 semester. If they are approved, an election will be
held during January 1989 to select an Executive Committee. That
election shall consist of two divisions. The first division will
select two candidates for full year terms, and the second division
will select three candidates for one-semester terms. In both
divisions, the approval voting method described in Section 5 shall be
used. All terms of office will begin February 1, 1989. Thereafter,
elections will proceed as described in Section 5.
Any violation of these laws will result in immediate death.
Department of Computer Science
The University of Texas at Austin
2317 Speedway, Stop D9500
Austin, TX 78712-1757
Phone: 512-471-7316
Fax: 512-471-8885