Some informal instructions on echotk
To take it out for a quick spin, choose Home.. off the
Scanner menu; this lets it recalibrate itself.
Then choose Monitor off the scanner menu; this brings
up the monitor window and another menu with some sliders.
You want to mess with the Sensitivity slider to set
the Luminance (aim for lots of spikes ending inside the
central target box), and the
Sensitivity and Dismiss sliders to
pretty up the Range Profile (try for maximum connectivity
with minimum noise).
Scan by hitting the Big Green Scan Button.
Note that the controls above it choose the geometry of the
Look at the scan with the Display button. You can spin the
wire frame and then re-render the surface image.
Save, off the File menu, saves a binary echo
file. To convert it to an ascii list of vertices,
echoascii < filename > filename.ascii
Nina Amenta
Last modified: Thu Aug 1 17:11:46 CDT 2002