Computer Graphics: How It's Going

Computer Graphics: How It’s Going

Due: Mar 7, 2024


Most of the graphics class covers “core graphics” topics such as rendering and animation. While still relevant today, the active research in the field is focused on emerging areas that we will not cover in depth. In this group assignment, you will research and brief the class about these areas.

I have identified the following four broad topic areas and randomly assigned you to a group. Group assignments can be found here.

  1. AI-generated/AI-assisted art, such as that created by deep generative neural networks like Stable Diffusion or Midjournal, and other algorithms for automated image synthesis.

  2. Video manipulation and editing algorithms, including deep fakes and neural re-rendering.

  3. The Metaverse, 3D multi-user virtual worlds in general, and other applications of augmented or virtual reality.

  4. Algorithms for democratizing design and manufacturing, including 3D and 4D-printing, knitting and weaving, architecture, fashion (virtual try-on), and related applications.

These topics are intended as a starting point for your group’s discussions. Feel free to interpret these topics broadly, though do try to avoid duplicating topics that are a better fit for one of the other groups.

Group Organization

I leave the management of your group up to you. Since each group has about four students, you will want to parallelize and distribute the work of researching your topic and preparing your written and oral materials. My recommendation is that you schedule a group meeting early to brainstorm and plan how you will complete this project and how to delegate tasks. You might also want to create a Box for storing copies of sources that you’ve found, and a Discord channel or Slack for communicating asynchronously with each other.

Video Selection

By February 29th your team should find and submit a video (from YouTube or other source) that you believe best establishes the background and context necessary for the class to discuss your assignment topic. The video should be roughly 5–15 minutes long. All groups working on the same topic will watch each other’s video choices and then vote on a single video to show to the entire class.

Written Report

Please prepare a written report (as a small group) covering each of the facets of analysis described below. I am imposing a limit of a maximum of one page per facet (so: five pages total for the whole report). The specific questions listed below are only suggestions; you don’t have to answer them all if you have nothing to say. The page limit is a maximum only: you will not be penalized for being concise so long as you thoroughly and thoughtfully cover each facet.

You should include a bibliography, and may also include figures, as extra pages that do not count against the page limit. All sources are permitted (including Wikipedia, Twitter threads, YouTube videos, etc.) but you should take into account the authority and credibility of all sources during your research. I expect that a thorough exploration of your topic area will need to include at least a few academic research papers.

Oral Presentation

You will lead a discussion of your assigned topic in class on March 5th and 7th. Each topic will be allotted half of a class period. All groups assigned the same topic need to collaborate on this presentation. I will randomly choose which topics we will discuss on which day. You should coordinate with the other groups studying your topic to come up with a list of questions or subtopics for the class to discuss or debate.

Collaboration Report

It is fine for different group members to focus on different parts of the assignment (helping write the report vs. preparing the oral presentation, etc.) but I expect all team members to contribute roughly equal effort. As for all other projects in this course, you will need to submit a collaboration report (separate from the group written report) explaining your role on the team and how much you felt you contributed relative to your teammates. (You do not need to evaluate every other teammate’s contributions in detail).


Your group will be assigned a holistic grade based on your oral and written report. Except as adjusted in response to the information in your collaboration reports, all team members will receive the same grade. I will evaluate your work based on the following rubric: