CS395T: Visual Recognition and
Project proposal guidelines
- Summarize the
problem and main idea of the project.
- Overview
relevant related work. Depending on
your project choice, the relevant work is not necessarily limited to
papers on our syllabus, so you should do a literature search. Following references in papers we are
covering is a good place to start, and I can suggest specific papers as
- Technical
plan: What representation(s) and algorithm(s) will you
explore? Describe how you will
incorporate existing techniques.
Or, if you are proposing a new approach, what is the basic idea?
- Experimental
plan: What experiments will you run to evaluate the
idea? What language, libraries,
software do you intend to use? Will
the experiments show off certain properties of the algorithm? Will they involve a direct comparison
with an alternate technique?
- Sources
of data you will use: Is there an existing image database that
is relevant? Will you need to
collect new images? If so, how will
you do it?
- Partner
plan: As partners,
how will you share the work this project involves? You do not need to write a list of
divided tasks. But, you should give
evidence that you have discussed how you will work together effectively.
- Speculate on
what will come out of this project.
Do you have a hypothesis about the results? What is most unclear about the project
plan at this point?