# autograder.py # ------------- # Licensing Information: Please do not distribute or publish solutions to this # project. You are free to use and extend these projects for educational # purposes. The Pacman AI projects were developed at UC Berkeley, primarily by # John DeNero (denero@cs.berkeley.edu) and Dan Klein (klein@cs.berkeley.edu). # Student side autograding was added by Brad Miller, Nick Hay, and Pieter # Abbeel in Spring 2013. # For more info, see http://inst.eecs.berkeley.edu/~cs188/pacman/pacman.html # imports from python standard library import grading import imp import optparse import os import re import sys import projectParams import textDisplay import graphicsDisplay import random random.seed(0) # register arguments and set default values def readCommand(argv): parser = optparse.OptionParser(description = 'Run public tests on student code') parser.set_defaults(generateSolutions=False, edxOutput=False, muteOutput=False, printTestCase=False, noGraphics=False, graphics=False) parser.add_option('--test-directory', dest = 'testRoot', default = 'test_cases', help = 'Root test directory which contains subdirectories corresponding to each question') parser.add_option('--student-code', dest = 'studentCode', default = projectParams.STUDENT_CODE_DEFAULT, help = 'comma separated list of student code files') parser.add_option('--code-directory', dest = 'codeRoot', default = "", help = 'Root directory containing the student and testClass code') parser.add_option('--test-case-code', dest = 'testCaseCode', default = projectParams.PROJECT_TEST_CLASSES, help = 'class containing testClass classes for this project') parser.add_option('--generate-solutions', dest = 'generateSolutions', action = 'store_true', help = 'Write solutions generated to .solution file') parser.add_option('--edx-output', dest = 'edxOutput', action = 'store_true', help = 'Generate edX output files') parser.add_option('--mute', dest = 'muteOutput', action = 'store_true', help = 'Mute output from executing tests') parser.add_option('--print-tests', '-p', dest = 'printTestCase', action = 'store_true', help = 'Print each test case before running them.') parser.add_option('--test', '-t', dest = 'runTest', default = None, help = 'Run one particular test. Relative to test root.') parser.add_option('--question', '-q', dest = 'gradeQuestion', default = None, help = 'Grade one particular question.') parser.add_option('--no-graphics', dest = 'noGraphics', action = 'store_true', help = 'No graphics display for pacman games.') parser.add_option('--graphics', dest = 'graphics', action = 'store_true', help = 'Display graphics for pacman games.') (options, args) = parser.parse_args(argv) return options # confirm we should author solution files def confirmGenerate(): print 'WARNING: this action will overwrite any solution files.' print 'Are you sure you want to proceed? (yes/no)' while True: ans = sys.stdin.readline().strip() if ans == 'yes': break elif ans == 'no': sys.exit(0) else: print 'please answer either "yes" or "no"' # TODO: Fix this so that it tracebacks work correctly # Looking at source of the traceback module, presuming it works # the same as the intepreters, it uses co_filename. This is, # however, a readonly attribute. def setModuleName(module, filename): functionType = type(confirmGenerate) classType = type(optparse.Option) for i in dir(module): o = getattr(module, i) if hasattr(o, '__file__'): continue if type(o) == functionType: setattr(o, '__file__', filename) elif type(o) == classType: setattr(o, '__file__', filename) # TODO: assign member __file__'s? #print i, type(o) #from cStringIO import StringIO def loadModuleString(moduleSource): # Below broken, imp doesn't believe its being passed a file: # ValueError: load_module arg#2 should be a file or None # #f = StringIO(moduleCodeDict[k]) #tmp = imp.load_module(k, f, k, (".py", "r", imp.PY_SOURCE)) tmp = imp.new_module(k) exec moduleCodeDict[k] in tmp.__dict__ setModuleName(tmp, k) return tmp import py_compile def loadModuleFile(moduleName, filePath): with open(filePath, 'r') as f: return imp.load_module(moduleName, f, "%s.py" % moduleName, (".py", "r", imp.PY_SOURCE)) def readFile(path, root=""): "Read file from disk at specified path and return as string" with open(os.path.join(root, path), 'r') as handle: return handle.read() ####################################################################### # Error Hint Map ####################################################################### # TODO: use these ERROR_HINT_MAP = { 'q1': { "<type 'exceptions.IndexError'>": """ We noticed that your project threw an IndexError on q1. While many things may cause this, it may have been from assuming a certain number of successors from a state space or assuming a certain number of actions available from a given state. Try making your code more general (no hardcoded indices) and submit again! """ }, 'q3': { "<type 'exceptions.AttributeError'>": """ We noticed that your project threw an AttributeError on q3. While many things may cause this, it may have been from assuming a certain size or structure to the state space. For example, if you have a line of code assuming that the state is (x, y) and we run your code on a state space with (x, y, z), this error could be thrown. Try making your code more general and submit again! """ } } import pprint def splitStrings(d): d2 = dict(d) for k in d: if k[0:2] == "__": del d2[k] continue if d2[k].find("\n") >= 0: d2[k] = d2[k].split("\n") return d2 def printTest(testDict, solutionDict): pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4) print "Test case:" for line in testDict["__raw_lines__"]: print " |", line print "Solution:" for line in solutionDict["__raw_lines__"]: print " |", line def runTest(testName, moduleDict, printTestCase=False, display=None): import testParser import testClasses for module in moduleDict: setattr(sys.modules[__name__], module, moduleDict[module]) testDict = testParser.TestParser(testName + ".test").parse() solutionDict = testParser.TestParser(testName + ".solution").parse() test_out_file = os.path.join('%s.test_output' % testName) testDict['test_out_file'] = test_out_file testClass = getattr(projectTestClasses, testDict['class']) questionClass = getattr(testClasses, 'Question') question = questionClass({'max_points': 0}, display) testCase = testClass(question, testDict) if printTestCase: printTest(testDict, solutionDict) # This is a fragile hack to create a stub grades object grades = grading.Grades(projectParams.PROJECT_NAME, [(None,0)]) testCase.execute(grades, moduleDict, solutionDict) # returns all the tests you need to run in order to run question def getDepends(testParser, testRoot, question): allDeps = [question] questionDict = testParser.TestParser(os.path.join(testRoot, question, 'CONFIG')).parse() if 'depends' in questionDict: depends = questionDict['depends'].split() for d in depends: # run dependencies first allDeps = getDepends(testParser, testRoot, d) + allDeps return allDeps # get list of questions to grade def getTestSubdirs(testParser, testRoot, questionToGrade): problemDict = testParser.TestParser(os.path.join(testRoot, 'CONFIG')).parse() if questionToGrade != None: questions = getDepends(testParser, testRoot, questionToGrade) if len(questions) > 1: print 'Note: due to dependencies, the following tests will be run: %s' % ' '.join(questions) return questions if 'order' in problemDict: return problemDict['order'].split() return sorted(os.listdir(testRoot)) # evaluate student code def evaluate(generateSolutions, testRoot, moduleDict, exceptionMap=ERROR_HINT_MAP, edxOutput=False, muteOutput=False, printTestCase=False, questionToGrade=None, display=None): # imports of testbench code. note that the testClasses import must follow # the import of student code due to dependencies import testParser import testClasses for module in moduleDict: setattr(sys.modules[__name__], module, moduleDict[module]) questions = [] questionDicts = {} test_subdirs = getTestSubdirs(testParser, testRoot, questionToGrade) for q in test_subdirs: subdir_path = os.path.join(testRoot, q) if not os.path.isdir(subdir_path) or q[0] == '.': continue # create a question object questionDict = testParser.TestParser(os.path.join(subdir_path, 'CONFIG')).parse() questionClass = getattr(testClasses, questionDict['class']) question = questionClass(questionDict, display) questionDicts[q] = questionDict # load test cases into question tests = filter(lambda t: re.match('[^#~.].*\.test\Z', t), os.listdir(subdir_path)) tests = map(lambda t: re.match('(.*)\.test\Z', t).group(1), tests) for t in sorted(tests): test_file = os.path.join(subdir_path, '%s.test' % t) solution_file = os.path.join(subdir_path, '%s.solution' % t) test_out_file = os.path.join(subdir_path, '%s.test_output' % t) testDict = testParser.TestParser(test_file).parse() if testDict.get("disabled", "false").lower() == "true": continue testDict['test_out_file'] = test_out_file testClass = getattr(projectTestClasses, testDict['class']) testCase = testClass(question, testDict) def makefun(testCase, solution_file): if generateSolutions: # write solution file to disk return lambda grades: testCase.writeSolution(moduleDict, solution_file) else: # read in solution dictionary and pass as an argument testDict = testParser.TestParser(test_file).parse() solutionDict = testParser.TestParser(solution_file).parse() if printTestCase: return lambda grades: printTest(testDict, solutionDict) or testCase.execute(grades, moduleDict, solutionDict) else: return lambda grades: testCase.execute(grades, moduleDict, solutionDict) question.addTestCase(testCase, makefun(testCase, solution_file)) # Note extra function is necessary for scoping reasons def makefun(question): return lambda grades: question.execute(grades) setattr(sys.modules[__name__], q, makefun(question)) questions.append((q, question.getMaxPoints())) grades = grading.Grades(projectParams.PROJECT_NAME, questions, edxOutput=edxOutput, muteOutput=muteOutput) if questionToGrade == None: for q in questionDicts: for prereq in questionDicts[q].get('depends', '').split(): grades.addPrereq(q, prereq) grades.grade(sys.modules[__name__]) return grades.points def getDisplay(graphicsByDefault, options=None): graphics = graphicsByDefault if options != None: if options.graphics: graphics = True if options.noGraphics: graphics = False if graphics: return graphicsDisplay.PacmanGraphics(1, frameTime=.1) else: return textDisplay.NullGraphics() if __name__ == '__main__': options = readCommand(sys.argv) if options.generateSolutions: confirmGenerate() codePaths = options.studentCode.split(',') # moduleCodeDict = {} # for cp in codePaths: # moduleName = re.match('.*?([^/]*)\.py', cp).group(1) # moduleCodeDict[moduleName] = readFile(cp, root=options.codeRoot) # moduleCodeDict['projectTestClasses'] = readFile(options.testCaseCode, root=options.codeRoot) # moduleDict = loadModuleDict(moduleCodeDict) moduleDict = {} for cp in codePaths: moduleName = re.match('.*?([^/]*)\.py', cp).group(1) moduleDict[moduleName] = loadModuleFile(moduleName, os.path.join(options.codeRoot, cp)) moduleName = re.match('.*?([^/]*)\.py', options.testCaseCode).group(1) moduleDict['projectTestClasses'] = loadModuleFile(moduleName, os.path.join(options.codeRoot, options.testCaseCode)) if options.runTest != None: runTest(options.runTest, moduleDict, printTestCase=options.printTestCase, display=getDisplay(True, options)) else: evaluate(options.generateSolutions, options.testRoot, moduleDict, edxOutput=options.edxOutput, muteOutput=options.muteOutput, printTestCase=options.printTestCase, questionToGrade=options.gradeQuestion, display=getDisplay(options.gradeQuestion!=None, options))