Advanced Computer Architecture -- CS 350c -- Homepage


        Unique Number:  52140
           Class Room:  GDC 4.302

           Class Days:  Tuesday, Thursday

           Class Time:  9:30 am -- 10:45 am

           Instructor:  "Warren A. Hunt, Jr." <>
      Office Location:  Hunt:  GDC 7.818

         Office Hours:  Hunt:  Tuesdays, Thursdays:  2:15 pm to 3:45 pm
                        Selfridge:  Mondays, Wednesdays:  12:00 pm to 1:30 pm

Office Hours Location:  GDC 3rd floor atrium (but if you don't find us there,
                        try Warren's office as listed above)

   Teaching Assistant:  "Ben Selfridge" <>

     TA Announcements:  Use

Below are links to the course announcement, syllabus, and homework and laboratory assignments. Additional information will incrementally appear during the semester.

Everytime you start to work, check this page! This webpage and the webpages transitively reachable from this webpage are the definitive resource for assignments, laboratories, and other class-related issues. The UT Canvas system will be used to record grades and to provide some information.

This is an announcement that announcements will appear here!

Below are links to information about this CS350c class.

  • Course Announcement

  • Syllabus included in this Webpage.

  • Lectures and detailed syllabus

  • Course Homework and Laboratory Assignments

  • Intel x86 Documents

  • Agner Fog's x86 Reference Material