Homework Assignment 1 CS 340d Unique Number: 50960 Spring, 2019 Given: January 28, 2019 Due: February 6, 2019 Repeat Homework Assignment 0 without using any header files or associated libraries other than these three: #include #include #include Thus, you will need to use system-call-level procedures to perform your I/O. We have provided an example file-copy program, "hw1-cp-example.c". This assignment is to do exactly the same as Homework Assignment 0, but you have to write the library code yourself using direct system calls. We suggest that you create a simple form of "printf" command that will assist you in printing the values demanded in Homework 0. Also, for the writing component, you are to write at least a one-page, but not more than two-page, description (in ASCII only) of what had to be done to accomplish this task. For instance, you will need to fashion some kind of replacement for the C-library function ``printf''. What did you create? How does it work? And so on. There are several questions (exhibited as "Question ." in the file "hw1-cp-example.c". In what you submit, answer these questions with a sentence at the end of the write-up mentioned just above. Note -- everything in the file that you submit for this homework should be in ASCII only. Write your description as a C-language comment at the beginning of your solution. We are not interested in formatting. Put everything for this assignment in a single file. It is important that you explain why you believe your code is correct. How can you establish the correctness of your solution? To start with, what is your specification? The most obvious specification is your solution for Homework 0, but did you produce anything further? What other issues did you consider as you worked through this problem?