Homework Assignment 1 CS 389r Unique Number: 51350 Spring, 2025 Given: January 23, 2025 Due: February 4, 2025 The lecture notes for this class contain over 100 problems. We will address many -- maybe half -- of these problems during this course. The student that solves all of these problems successfully will be a successful student. Generally, homework assignments will be assigned Tuesdays and due nine days later, on Thursdays -- except for this homework as you may need a little extra time to get oriented initially. Homework will assigned for the first half of the semester. Once you have a class project, your time should be invested there. Because of UT's closure on January 21, things have been pushed back by one class period. This homework assignment asks for solutions for problems 25 -- 29. These problems can be found in the class notes; see: https://www.cs.utexas.edu/~moore/acl2/manuals/latest/?topic=ACL2____R-AND-I-TABLE-OF-CONTENTS Your solutions should be prepared using a text editor; the class TA will provide submission instructions. Before attempting the homework, please read the sections reachable from the webpage R-AND-I-TABLE-OF-CONTENTS (noted above) named: For Homework 0, you should have read: Introduction Data Types Terms Substitutions Abbreviations for Terms Function Definitions For HW 1, read sections: Axioms Terms as Formulas Definitions Revisited The homework problems can be found in the text. Of course, you can find the solutions to these homework problems on the Web, but that will not help you during quizzes and exams, during which you will not be allowed to use any electronic device. We will be using the ACL2 theorem-proving system starting in a couple of weeks. If you wish to use this system on UTCS Linux-based computers, then be sure that you have appropriate usage privileges. Once you have logged into a UTCS Linux-based computer, then you may type: /p/bin/acl2 The top-level ACL2 webpage can be found here: http://acl2.org If you wish to use ACL2 on your personal laptop, then you will need to follow ACL2 installation instructions; follow the link (on this page): Obtaining, Installing, and License Before ACL2 can be built on your laptop or deskside computer, you will need to obtain a Lisp implementation. We strongly recommend that you use either Clozure Common Lisp or SBCL. Why? These are the Lisp systems that we generally use.