Homework Assignment 3 CS 389r Unique Number: 51350 Spring, 2025 Given: February 4, 2025 Due: February 13, 2025 The lecture notes for this class contain over 100 problems. We will address many -- maybe half -- of these problems during this course. The student that solves all of these problems successfully will be a successful student. With this assignment, we are returning to homework assignments being given on a Tuesday, and due nine days later on a Thursday. Homework will assigned for the first half of the semester. Once you have a class project, your should invest your efforts on your project. This homework asks for solutions to problems 39 -- 47. You should work these proofs out on paper, and turn in your work. Your proofs should look similar to the example proof of: (equal (tree-copy x) x) given in the R-AND-I-STRUCTURAL-INDUCTION section of the online, class notes. It is important that you identify the variable(s) on which you are inducting, and that you make clear how you are using the Principle of Structural Induction. Note! This homework will take a lot of time! After this assignment, we will begin using the ACL2 Proof Builder instead of performing "hand proofs".