Welcome! In June 2017 I defended my Computer Science PhD thesis at the University of Texas at Austin. Before starting a PhD in Texas, I received a bachelor's degree in Computer Science from Georgia Tech in May 2009.
While at the University of Texas at Austin, I worked with Peter Stone's Learning Agents Research Group (LARG). My thesis research focused on designing algorithms to influence flocks of birds away from airports and windfarms using robot birds --- but I also worked on multiple other research projects related to the general ad hoc teamwork problem. Specifically, as hoc teamwork is when teammates must work together to obtain a common goal, but without any prior agreement regarding how to work together. I was also the team leader for LARG's Standard Platform League team UT Austin Villa , which finished first in the world at Robocup 2012 in Mexico City.
I'm currently an executive member of the Robocup Standard Platform League (SPL) Technical Committee. I've also served as the RoboCup 2014, 2015, 2016, and 2017 SPL Technicial Committee chair, the RoboCup 2013 SPL Organizing Committee chair, and a co-chair for MIPC-16 and MIPC-17. I served on the GradFest committee from 2010 to 2016.