Program of ITP
Sunday, July 11th
09:00‑10:00 Session 1
Chair: to be determined
09:00 Norbert Schirmer and Ernie Cohen
From Total Store Order to Sequential Consistency: A Practical Reduction Theorem
09:30 Freek Verbeek and Julien Schmaltz
Proof Pearl: A formal proof of Duato's condition for deadlock-free adaptive networks
10:30‑12:30 Session 2
Chair: to be determined
10:30 Ramana Kumar and Michael Norrish
(Nominal) Unification by Recursive Descent with Triangular Substitutions
11:00 Jean-François Dufourd and Yves Bertot
Formal study of plane Delaunay triangulation
11:30 Sylvie Boldo , François Clément , Jean-Christophe Filliatre , Micaela Mayero , Guillaume Melquiond and Pierre Weis
Formal Proof of a Wave Equation Resolution Scheme: the Method Error
12:00 Anthony Fox and Magnus Myreen
A Trustworthy Monadic Formalization of the ARMv7 Instruction Set Architecture
14:00‑15:00 FLoC Plenary Talks
14:00 David Harel (Weizmann Institute of Science)
Amir Pnueli: A Gentle Giant, Lord of the Phi's and the Psi's.
14:30 Gordon Plotkin (University of Edinburgh)
Robin Milner, a Craftsman of Tools for the Mind.
15:30‑17:00 Session 3
Chair: to be determined
15:30 Brian Huffman and Christian Urban
Proof Pearl: A New Foundation for Nominal Isabelle
16:00 John Cowles and Ruben Gamboa
Using a First Order Logic to Verify That Some Set of Reals Has No Lebesgue Measure
16:30 Tarek Mhamdi, Osman Hasan and Sofiene Tahar
On the Formalization of the Lebesgue Integration Theory in HOL
Monday, July 12th
09:00‑10:00 ITP Invited Talk
Chair: to be determined
09:00 Gerwin Klein (NICTA)
A Formally Verified OS Kernel. Now What?
10:30‑12:30 Session 4
Chair: to be determined
10:30 Joe Hendrix , Deepak Kapur and Jose Meseguer
Coverset Induction with Partiality and Subsorts: a Powerlist Case Study
11:00 Michael Armand, Benjamin Gregoire, Arnaud Spiwack and Laurent Thery
Introducting machine integers and arrays to type theory and its application to SAT verification
11:30 Moa Johansson, Lucas Dixon and Alan Bundy
Case-Analysis for Rippling and Inductive Proof
12:00 Panagiotis Manolios and Daron Vroon
Interactive Termination Proofs using Termination Cores
14:00‑15:00 Session 5
Chair: to be determined
14:00 Gilles Barthe, Benjamin Grégoire and Santiago Zanella Béguelin
Programming language techniques for cryptographic proofs
14:30 David Cachera and David Pichardie
Proof Pearl: A Certified Denotational Abstract Interpreter
15:30‑17:00 Session 6
Chair: to be determined
15:30 Sol Swords and Warren Hunt
A Mechanically Verified AIG-to-BDD Conversion Algorithm
16:00 William Mansky and Elsa Gunter
A Framework for Formal Verification of Compiler Optimizations
16:30 Herman Geuvers , Adam Koprowski , Dan Synek and Eelis van der Weegen
Automated Machine-Checked Hybrid System Safety Proofs
17:00‑18:00 Business Meeting
Tuesday, July 13th
09:00‑10:00 FLoC Plenary Talk
09:00 Georg Gottlob (University of Oxford)
Datalog+-: A Family of Logical Query Languages for New Applications.
10:30‑12:30 Session 7
Chair: to be determined
10:30 Amy Felty and Brigitte Pientka
Reasoning with Higher-Order Abstract Syntax and Contexts: A Comparison
11:00 Serge Autexier and Dominik Dietrich
A tactic language for declarative proofs
11:30 Daria Walukiewicz-Chrząszcz and Jacek Chrząszcz
Inductive Consequences in the Calculus of Constructions
12:00 Magnus O. Myreen
Separation logic adapted for proofs by rewriting
12:10 Douglas Howe
Higher-Order Abstract Syntax in Isabelle/HOL
12:20 Bas Spitters and Eelis van der Weegen
Developing the algebraic hierarchy with type classes in Coq
14:00‑15:00 FLoC Keynote Talk
14:00 J Strother Moore (University of Texas)
Theorem Proving for Verification: The Early Days.
15:30‑18:00 Excursion (details forthcoming)
Wednesday, July 14th
09:00‑10:00 ITP Invited Talk
Chair: to be determined
09:00 Benjamin C. Pierce (University of Pennsylvania)
Proof Assistants as Teaching Assistants: A View from the Trenches
10:30‑12:30 Session 8
Chair: to be determined
10:30 Matthieu Sozeau
Equations: a dependent pattern-matching compiler
11:00 Arthur Charguéraud
The Optimal Fixed Point Combinator
11:30 Thomas Braibant and Damien Pous
An Efficient Coq Tactic for Deciding Kleene Algebras
12:00 Peter Lammich and Andreas Lochbihler
The Isabelle Collections Framework
14:00‑15:00 Session 9
Chair: to be determined
14:00 Jasmin Christian Blanchette and Tobias Nipkow
Nitpick: A Counterexample Generator for Higher-Order Logic Based on a Relational Model Finder
14:30 Alexander Krauss and Andreas Schropp
A Mechanized Translation from Higher-Order Logic to Set Theory
15:30‑17:00 Session 10
Chair: to be determined
15:30 Chantal Keller and Benjamin Werner
Importing HOL-Light into Coq
16:00 Sascha Böhme and Tjark Weber
Fast LCF-Style Proof Reconstruction for Z3
16:30 Tjark Weber
Validating QBF Invalidity in HOL4