LESS Facilities Usage Policy
The LESS machines should be used according to the following
policies. Note that these policies apply only to the general use of
LESS machines. For experiments related to LESS research any of these
policies may be violated.
Where to run programs
- Do not run any programs on the file server,
- The Ultra Enterprise 5500's, enzo.csres.utexas.edu and
tazio.csres.utexas.edu, should be used only for computation
that requires parallelism, large amounts of memory or jobs that
are designed to use as many processors as possible on the system
in order to accomplish useful work (such as a fairly large number of
- For editing, compiling, web browsing, and general work, please
use any of the other systems within the
The following guidelines for the use of enzo and
tazio must be understood by all users of the machines,
including both those who wish to reserve one of them and those who simply
wish to use one in non-reserved mode for one of the functions listed
Responsibilities of Users Wishing to Reserve Enzo or Tazio
- Anyone wishing to reserve enzo or tazio may do so only
for the purpose of dedicated timings or running experimental system
software (such as the kernel).
- All reservations must be made at least 24 hours in advance.
- Before making the reservation, the user must check to see who
is working on the machine and send them mail warning them that a
reservation has just been made for such a date and time.
- Reservations must be fully utilized. It is not permissible
to reserve a machine as a placeholder, keeping it idle for a
significant part of the reservation.
- Fifteen minutes before starting the job at the reserved time,
the user with the reservation must mail everyone using the machine
warning them that the reservation will commence.
Responsibilities of Users Wishing to Use Enzo or Tazio in Non-Reserved Mode
- Anyone wishing to work on enzo or tazio must check the reservation
schedule before beginning to work, making themselves fully aware of
what's scheduled.
- If a user learns of a reservation that has been scheduled that may
cause her or him problems, the first step is to work with the reserving
user to see if the conflict can be worked out. If this proves
problematic, the sponsoring professors will make the call.
Responsibilities of All Users Wishing to Use Enzo or Tazio
- The goal is to collaborate in keeping the machines as useful as
possible for everyone. Since anyone who makes a reservation must reserve
24 hours in advance and warn everyone who is currently logged in and
since anyone going to use the machine must check the reservation
schedule, there should be no situation where a user is surprised by
a reservation.
The LECS and LESS are shared resources, and the only way shared
environments work is if everyone is flexible and courteous and committed
to solving the inevitable logjams that result when we try to make
our best equipment widely available. It is especially nice to accomodate
folks who may be up against a deadline (perhaps a paper submission).
Reservation info: Reservations
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Last modified: November 22, 1999
Boyd Merworth