Schedule | Participants |
Time: | Thursdays 1:30 to 2:30. |
Place: | CS Lounge, Taylor 3.128. |
Email: | |
For the Spring 2000 semester, we will read and discuss papers related to the recently proposed TRIPS project. This project proposes a design for a Trillion Instruction Per Second microprocessor and explores the impact that such a machine will have on all aspects of system design, including languages, operating systems, fault tolerance, etc.
This schedule is subject to change to coordinate with with faculty recruiting.
Date | Leader | Paper |
Feb 3 | Organizational meeting | |
10 | Hrishi Murukkathampoondi | Clock Rate versus IPC: The End of the Road for Conventional Microarchitectures. V. Agarwal, M.S. Hrishikesh, Steve W. Keckler and Doug Burger. |
17 | Brendon Cahoon | The Program Dependence Graph and Its Use in Optimization. Jeanne Ferrante, Karl Ottenstein, and Joe D. Warren |
24 | Sam Guyer | Space-Time Scheduling of Instruction-Level Parallelism on a Raw Machine. W. Lee, R. Barua, D. Srikrishna, J. Babb, V. Sarkar, and S. Amarasinghe. ASPLOS, 1998. |
Mar 2 | Heather Hanson | Hardware Support for Fast Capability-based Addressing. N. Carter, S. Keckler, W. Dally. ASPLOS, 1994 |
9 | Juan Rubio | DIVA: A Reliable Substrate for Deep Submicron Microarchitecture Design. Todd M. Austin. Micro 1999. |
16 | Spring Break | |
23 | no meeting | |
30 | Mike Kistler | Automatic Partitioning of Signal Processing Programs for Symmetric Multiprocessors. Chris J. Newburn and John P. Shen. PACT 1996. |
Apr 6 | Ravi Bhargava | Transient Fault Detection via Simultaneous Multithreading. Steven K. Reinhardt and Shubhendu S. Mukherjee. ISCA 2000. Available from /projects/cart/public/papers/reinhardt_ft.pdf. |
13 | Shashank Gupta | A new model for integrated nested task and data parallel programming |
20 | Vikas Agarwal | . |
27 | Raj Desikan | Complexity-Effective Superscalar Processors. Palacharla, Jouppi and Smith. |
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Last modified: April 24, 2000