Zhenxiao Liang

Computer Science Ph.D. Student, UT Austin

I am currently a first-year Ph.D. student in Computer Science Department of University of Texas at Austin, supervised by Qixing Huang. I obtained my bachelor degree from Tsinghua University in Beijing, 2018.

My recent interest lies on the intersection of graph theory, machine learning and optimization.

My email is liangzx at cs.utexas.com.

Here is my current CV.


Xiangru Huang, Zhenxiao Liang, Xiaowei Zhou, Yao Xie, Leonidas J. Guibas and Qixing Huang. Learning Transformation Synchronization. Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (or CVPR 2019).
Zaiwei Zhang, Zhenxiao Liang, Lemeng Wu, Xiaowei Zhou and Qixing Huang. Path-Invariant Map Networks. Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (or CVPR 2019).
Yifan Sun*, Zhenxiao Liang*, Xiangru Huang* and Qixing Huang. Joint Map and Symmetry Synchronization. European Conference on Computer Vision 2018 (or ECCV 2018).
Chandrajit Bajaj, Tingran Gao, Zihang He, Qixing Huang and Zhenxiao Liang. Simultaneous Mapping and Clustering via Spectral Decompositions. International Conference on Machine Learning 2018 (or ICML 2018). (Authors sorted by the alphabetical order)
Xiangru Huang*, Zhenxiao Liang*, Bajaj Chandrajit and Qixing Huang. Translation Synchronization via Truncated Least Squares. Neural Information Processing Systems 2017 (or NIPS 2017). Spotlight Presentation. code.

* indicates equivalent contributions.

Selected Awards

Golden Medal (Ranked 10th) in 2013 Chinese Mathematical Olympiad (CMO), China
Bronze Medal in 2012 National Olympiad in Informatics (NOI), China

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