Project CNS #2008824
Extreme Mobility: Issues and Solutions
current 4G/5G cannot ensure satisfactory reliability and performance for many
emerging usage scenarios, such as vehicle-to-everything, high-speed rails, low
earth orbit satellites, and drones. This project proposes a forward-looking,
transformative solution suite to beyond-5G extreme mobility. It first unveils
5G's deficiencies in extreme mobility under various scenarios and studies the
client and infrastructure's proper roles in supporting them. It then develops
novel approaches to accurately predict wireless channel. It further uses the
predicted channel to enable predictive rate adaptation, resource allocation,
and MIMO optimization under high mobility. Finally, it designs latency-friendly
and interpretable distributed machine learning (ML) to help clients analyze the
latency bottlenecks, and perform cross-layer
latency optimizations. The proposed research will be evaluated using a
software-defined radio prototype and large-scale emulation driven by
operational 4G/5G traces. If successful, this work will significantly advance
the state-of-the-art in wireless networks.
Prof. Lili Qiu, Prof. Hyeji Kim, Prof. Songwu Lu
Ghufran Baig
Changhan Ge
Qianru Li
Zhehui Zhang
Yuanjie Li
Abstract: The wireless signal propagates via multipath arising from different
reflections and penetration between a transmitter and receiver. Ob-
taining multipath profiles (e.g., delay and Doppler along each path)
from received wireless signals enables many important applica-
tions, such as channel prediction and crossband channel estimation
(i.e., estimating the channel on a different frequency). The benefit
of multipath estimation further increases with mobility since the
channel in that case is less stable and more important to track.
Yet high-speed mobility poses significant challenges to multipath
estimation. In this paper, instead of using time-frequency domain
channel representation, we leverage the delay-Doppler domain rep-
resentation to accurately extract and predict multipath properties.
Specifically, we use impulses in the delay-Doppler domain as pilots
to estimate the multipath parameters and apply the multipath infor-
mation to predicting wireless channels as an example application.
Our design rationale is that mobility is more predictable than the
wireless channel since mobility has inertial while the wireless chan-
nel is the outcome of a complicated interaction between mobility,
multipath, and noise. We evaluate our approach via both acoustic
and RF experiments, including vehicular experiments using USRP.
Our results show that the estimated multipath matches the ground
truth, and the resulting channel prediction is more accurate than
the traditional channel prediction schemes.
Abstract: Extreme mobility becomes a norm rather than an exception with emergent high-speed rails, drones, industrial IoT, and many more. However, 4G/5G mobility management is not always reliable in extreme mobility, with non-negligible failures and policy conflicts. The root cause is that, existing mobility management is primarily based on wireless signal strength. While reasonable in static and low mobility, it is vulnerable to dramatic wireless dynamics from extreme mobility in triggering, decsion, and execution. We devise REM, Reliable Extreme Mobility management for beyond 5G cellular networks while maintaining backward compatibility to 4G/5G. REM shifts to movement-based mobility management in the delay-Doppler domain. Its signaling overlay relaxes feedback via cross-band estimation, simplifies policies with provable conflict freedom, and stabilizes signaling via scheduling-based OTFS modulation. Our evaluation with operational high-speed rail datasets shows that, REM reduces failures comparable to static and low mobility, with low signaling and latency cost. REM reduces the network failures by up to an order of magnitude, eliminates policy conflicts, and improves application performance by 31.8% - 88.3% compared to legacy 4G/5G.
Abstract: Extreme mobility has become a norm rather than an
exception. However, 4G/5G mobility management is not always reliable in extreme
mobility, with non-negligible failures and policy conflicts. The root cause
is that, existing mobility management is
primarily based on wireless signal strength. While reasonable in static and low
mobility, it is vulnerable to dramatic wireless dynamics from extreme mobility
in triggering, decision, and execution. We devise REM, Reliable Extreme
Mobility management for 4G, 5G, and beyond. REM shifts to movement-based
mobility management in the delay Doppler domain. Its signaling
overlay relaxes feedback via crossband estimation, simplifies policies with
provable conflict freedom, and stabilizes signaling via scheduling-based OTFS
modulation. Our evaluation with operational high-speed rail datasets shows
that, REM reduces failures comparable to static and low mobility, with low
signaling and latency cost. Broader Impacts This
project has potential to lay the technical foundations for beyond-5G systems
(e.g., 6G and Wi-Fi 6/7).
The anticipated outcome will likely inform the design for
next-generation wireless and mobile networking, influence the beyond-5G
standardization, and advance numerous mobile/IoT applications. This
project has provided invaluable opportunity for UT and UCLA students, and
facilitated in creating a research pipeline between the two institutions. The research results have been incorporated
in the graduate courses. The results will be disseminated through publications
and open-source code release. We also plan to introduce research on 5G and
beyond to K-12 students to encourage more students to participate in computer
science and STEM education.