Selected Talks
- Innovating Intelligent Environment: A new perspective on wireless communication and sensing. IEEE MASS 2024 Keynote, Sept. 2024.
- Revolutionizing Healthcare using Wireless Sensing and Machine Learnin. EmTech Korea Keynote, May 2024.
- Innovating Intelligent Environment: A new perspective on wireless communication and sensing. Tsinghua University, Northwestern University, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Fudan University.
- Innovating Intelligent Environment: A new perspective on wireless communication and sensing. AI Forum, Nov. 2023.
- Acoustic Sensing and Communication Using Metasurface. ACM TURC Keynote, July 2023.
- Exploring Different Modalities for Healthcare Applications. CNCC Keynote, Oct. 2023.
- Metasurface for low earth orbit satellite communication. CNCC Keynote, Oct. 2023.
- Motion Tracking and Applications, Seminars at MIT, University of Washington, RICE, Ohio State, Texas A & M, Texas State, Tsinghua University, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, and various companies.
- Robust Compressive Sensing. MobiCom 2014.
- Collision Resistant Multiple Access. MobiCom 2011.
- Optimizing
Cost and Performance for Multihoming
ACM SIGCOMM'2004, Portland, Oregon, 2004.
- On
Selfish Routing in Internet-like Environments
ACM SIGCOMM'2003, Germany, 2003.
(Thanks to Jennifer Rexford for presenting the paper for us.)
- Passive
Network Tomography using Bayesian Inference
Internet Measurement Workshop, Marseille, France, November 2002.
- Subscription
Partitioning and Routing in Content-based Publish/Subscribe Networks
DISC 2002, Toulouse, France, October 2002
- Mining
Web Traces: Workload Characterization, Performance Diagnosis, and
Invited tutorial at Performance 2002, Rome, Italy, September 2002.
- Characterizing
Alert and Browse Services for Mobile Clients
USENIX Annual Technical
Conference, Monterey, CA, June 2002.
- The
Effect of First-Hop Wireless Bandwidth Allocation on End-to-End Network
NOSSDAV, Miami Beach,
FL, May 2002.
- Network Tomography using Passive End-to-End Measurements
DIMACS Workshop on Internet and WWW Measurement,
Mapping and Modeling, February 2002.
- Fast Firewall Implementations for Software and Hardware-based Routers
Conference on Network Protocols (ICNP'2001), Riverside, CA, USA,
November 2001.
- Analyzing Browse Patterns of Mobile Clients
ACM SIGCOMM Internet Measurement Workshop, San Francisco, CA, November 2001.
- On the Placement of Web Server Replicas
IEEE INFOCOM 2001, Anchorage, AK, April 2001.
- The Content and Access
Dynamics of a Busy Web Server: Findings and Implications [ppt,gzip
ppt, html]
ACM SIGCOMM 2000, Stockholm,
Sweden, August 2000.
- On
Individual and Aggregate TCP Performance
7th International Conference on
Networking Protocol (ICNP'99),Toronto, Canada
October 1999.