Distributed Computing I

Lorenzo Alvisi
Office: ACES 6.244
Phone: 471-9792
Email: lorenzo@cs.utexas.edu
Office Hours: T, Th: 11:00-12:00
Teaching Assistant
Anurag Agarwal
Office: ENS 512
Phone: 471-9589
Email: anurag@cs.utexas.edu
Office Hours: M,W,f: 10:30-11:30

Objectives and Scope

This course is designed to cover the some of the key ideas that have proved useful or are expected to be useful for designing and building tomorrow's distributed systems. The course focuses on fundamentals. We will cover problems, models, algorithms, and impossibility results. We will not cover Java, RMI, RPC, HTTP, CORBA, etc. At the same time, the course includes a non-trivial practical component, by requiring students to build systems that implement some of the algorithms presented in class, and some algorithms not presented in class.


You should have a good undergraduate background in Operating Systems and be willing to participate in class. You should also be comfortable about developing proofs, as many of the homework problems will require you to develop protocols and prove them correct. For instance, you should have no problems about how to use induction.
Finally, you should be comfortable programming in C, C++, or Java

Enrolling requires graduate standing: if you are not a graduate student but would like to take the course come and talk to me.


Here are a syllabus and a projected schedule for the class. Please note that both syllabus and schedule are tentative .

Week Tuesday Thursday Assignment Readings & Notes
8/26 Intro-2 Generals Problem Week 0 Notes
8/31, 9/2 Event Ordering
and Global Predicate Detection
Lamport Clocks,
Snapshot Protocol
Week 1 Notes
9/7, 9/9 Causal Order
Vector Clocks
non-stable properties
Week 2 Notes

9/14, 9/16 Guest Lecture
ACES 6:304, 10:00 AM
3-Phase Commit
Last Process to Fail
Implement 3 phase
commit protocol
Week 3 Notes
9/21, 9/23 Atomic Commot Wrap-Up Intro to
Week 4 Notes

9/28, 9/30 Rollback Recovery Rollback Recovery Homework 1 Week 5 Notes
10/5, 10/7 The rise and fall
of CIC protocols
The State Machine Approach Week 6 Notes
10/12, 10/14 Consensus for benign failures Consensus for benign failures Week 7 Notes
10/19, 10/21 Lower bound on TRB Early Stopping TRB Week 8 Notes
10/26, 10/28 Paxos Arbitrary Failures
with message authentication
Homework 2
Implement Paxos Consensus protocol
Week 9 Notes
11/2, 11/4 Arbitrary failures
with message authentication
Impossibility of consensus Week 10 Notes
11/9, 11/11 Wait-free Synchronization Wait-free Synchronization Implement a wait-free
data structure
Week 11 Notes
11/16, 11/18 Randomized consensus Quorum Systems Week 12 Notes
11/23, 11/25 Epidemic protocols Thanksgiving Homework 3 Week 13 Notes
11/30, 12/2 Byzantine Quorum Systems Byzantine Quorum Systems Week 14 Notes

Late policy. No extensions will be given for completing the homeworks or the programming projects, except that students will be allowed 6 slip days for all the assignments combined (projects, paper review, homework). A student may divide his or her slip days across projects in any way he or she wishes to extend deadlines for the projects (or a homework.) To help the TA track your slip-day status, the top of your project README file (or your homework) should include the line:

Slip days will be tracked at the granularity of a day; if an assignment is 1 minute late, it is one day late. Oh! Did I mention that no extensions will be given beyond your slip days? If you expect that it will not be possible for you to play by these rules (you are working outside and your company is shipping a product a week this semester; you are one of those who believe that whomever takes less than 30 hours of credit per semester is a wimp; your dog has a tendency to eat your homework and your hard disk becomes possessed before every deadline; etc.) you should seriously reconsider taking this class.


Projects are to be turned in by midnight on the Sunday of the week they are due. To turn in your project, use the turnin procedure described later. If you submit multiple times, Anurag will only grade your last submission (assuming it is within the deadline).

One of the most valuable components of this class will be the projects. Every project should be done in groups of two. Forming the partnership is your responsibility. We prefer not to be involved in match-making, although we will try to help the handful who cannot find a partner. Problems that arise during the partnership are also your responsibility.

All projects will require a demo. Demos will take place in the basement of Taylor the Monday following the deadline.


There is no single book that covers the material for the course. You will be able to integrate your class notes with copy of the slides I use in class and pointers to papers relevant to the material discussed in class, all of which I will post on the class web site.


Philosophy is a rather pompous word, but I wanted us to be on the same page with respect to expectations. If this is your first semester in graduate school, you may expect this course to be similar to the undergraduate courses that you have been excelling in all along. It isn't. This is not because the course is impossibly hard: the workload is non trivial, but nothing that you can not handle. Rather, it is because you are expected to be different: you are expected to be engaged during classes, participating and staying involved. And, you are expected to handle problems and projects that are less well defined than you may be used to. You may be used to receiving projects with associated long and detailed handouts, specifying input and expected output of the project, and outlining a structure for the solution. Instead, you will get a set of research papers that describe the problem and possibly some solutions, and it will be up to you to define input, output and think through the design decisions.


9:30-11:00 Tuesday and Thursday, in Welch 2.256.


Grades will be determined as follows:

If you believe that an error has been made in grading your work, you have one week from the time that the work was returned to the class to file a complaint in writing to your instructor. If you decide to submit a complaint about the grading of your work, make sure to describe the issue clearly and return the original work and your note to your instructor.

So, which grade can you expect to receive in this class? Well, here are some guidelines. A student who fails to complete some of the assignments or shows little understanding of the material covered in class is likely to receive a final grade of C or lower. A student that does a good job in the course (i.e. masters the material satisfactorily) will earn a B. Outstanding students will earn an A. The class is not curved: if all students are outstanding, they all can earn an A. Being outstanding means doing really well in the projects, in the homeworks, and in the final. Note that being outstanding is not equivalent to working really hard during the semester. For instance, a typical B is earned by students that do great in the projects (almost everybody does: you guys are good!) but not so great in the final. Although it is not a rule cast in stone, past experience indicates that a) if you earn less than 75% of the credit in the final exam, you may struggle to earn an A and b) a little more than half of the class earns an A, and all but one or two earn B or more.

A word from your TA

What to submit

Using turnin

Submit the project(or homework) with the command `turnin' on the departmental public linux machines.

Word to the wise

When submitting a project solution, it is important that you design test cases such that the grader (yours truly) is convinced of the correctness of your implementation. For this purpose, you will probably need to simulate certain scenarios for the protocols; for this purpose, it will be useful to build a network layer such that it is possible to control the communication between processes. More specifically, it should be possible to drop certain messages, delay some messages to achieve necessary message ordering. It should also be possible to shutdown processes at different stages of the protocol and then restart the processes after certain interval of time. Designing your project with these things in mind will speed up the testing and improve your chances of getting good grades.


You should consider homeworks an individual effort. While you are allowed to discuss a question's interpretation with your classmates, you should refrain from discussing solution approaches. If you are stuck on a problem, come discuss it with me or with the TA.

Projects are completed in a group---you should refrain from discussing the specifics of your solution with members of other groups. It should go without saying that copying other groups' code, or asking them to help you debug you own code, are not admissible. You are welcome to use existing public libraries in your programming assignments (such as public classes for queues, trees, etc.) You may also look at operating systems code for public domain software such as Linux. Such activities qualify under approved collaboration practices and you are welcome to take advantage of them.

Failure to follow the above guidelines will be considered chating. This is not something you want to mess with. Students who violate University rules on scholastic dishonesty are subject to disciplinary penalties, including the possibility of failure in the course and/or dismissal from the University. Because such dishonesty harms the individual, all students, and the integrity of the University, policies on scholastic dishonesty will be strictly enforced. So, if in doubt, ask!

This page is maintained by Lorenzo Alvisi. Last updated 28 August 2003