Web materials. All materials (lecture notes, assignments, policies, syllabus, etc.) are on the course web page: http://www.cs.utexas.edu/users/mckinley/352
Schedule and Notes
Homework (written, programming, project) |
Student Grades: UTdirect's eGradebook |
XSPIM. A MIPS Simulator. Use the XSPIM simulator for MIPS assembly programming for doing and checking your homeworks. |
Text (required). Patterson & Hennessy, Computer Organization and Design, The Hardware/Software Interface, Morgan Kaufmann, 4th Edition. Book Errata.
Prerequisites. You must already have taken the following courses and earned a grade of at least C: CS 310 OR 310H, 336 OR 336H, EE 316, AND M 408D OR 408M.
Description & Objectives
In this course, you will learn about the basic principles and current practices of computer architectures and organizations. At the end of this course, you will understand how and why computer hardware is organized so that it can rapidly execute a software program expressed in assembly language. You will also understand how computer hardware provides software with the illusion that fast memory and other resources are unlimited, even though they are not. Finally, you will learn how to quantitatively evaluate and improve computer system performance.
Your course grade will come from programming assignments, written assigments, quizes, and exams.
Expectations and Due Dates
We will drop the lowest homework and quiz grade.
Each reading will have a quiz. Online quizes will be 15 minutes. We will make them available at 10:45am and they will be due 11:59pm on the day the reading is due (Tuesdays and Thursdays). You will randomly be assigned approximately 10 quizes out of approximately 20.
All homework and projects are due at the beginning of class. There will be online quizzes. You have three slip days you may apply to any homework or project. You may apply slip days in one day increments (e.g., 1 to 24 hours late = 1 slip day).
If you miss an exam, you must provide a medical note. If you need any special religious or other accomodation, you must send me an email request at least two weeks in advance.
Attend class and be on time.
As a scientist, you are expected to maintain the highest ethical standards, do your own work, report on it accurately, and acknowledge any assistance.
Feel free to discuss lectures, reading, and written and coding assignments with me, the TA, and other members of the class. You may discuss design, approach, debugging, and testing. Once you start writing down your answer on paper or in code, stop discussing it with your classmates. Write the names of anyone you discussed the solutions with on your written and coding assignments.
You may not copy code or written homework (solutions), share solutions (now or in future semesters), use solutions from previous semesters, use solutions you find on the Internet, read solutions written by other people, or debug solutions written by other people. Turning in any work that is not original will be reported to the University and at a minimum, you will fail the course.
The Student Code of Conduct documents your rights and responsibilities as a student.