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SIGPLAN Student Support for
PL Summer School Participants at FCRC

June 8 --16, 2007 San Deigo, CA

In addition to co-sponsoring the PL summer school, SIGPLAN has generously donated $5000 for attendees to participate in FCRC 2007. FCRC brings together PLDI, one of the premier programming languages conferences, with other premier conferences and workshops in computer science to facilitate cross discipline communication. Students will thus be able to network and interact with researchers and leaders from the programming language, architecture, theory, and other communities.

We refer to these student grants as FCRC-SS awards (FCRC PL Summer School).

  1. SIGPLAN will support up to 10 FCRC-SS awards at $500 each for travel, accommodations, and registration at FCRC 2007.
  2. The funds must be used to travel to and participate in the conferences of FCRC. While attending FCRC, students should interact and discuss their work with other computer science researchers, attend talks, practice networking skills, and establish community contacts.
  3. Summer school students that receive an FCRC-SS award are not eligible for a PAC award for any of the FCRC'07 conferences or workshops.
  4. Students that apply for an FCRC-SS award must be ACM members (student members). If students are currently not SIGPLAN members, they will automatically receive a 1-year SIGPLAN electronic membership as part of the award.
  5. Students will apply for the FCRC-SS award via the standard PAC award form:

    IMPORTANT: under "Professional Activity Description" on the form, students should enter "FCRC-SS" or "Programming Language Summer School" in the box, in addition to the other information.