Regular Expressions in Java

String Methods that accept Regular Expressions
Methods Description
+matches (regex: String): boolean Returns true if this string matches the pattern.
+replaceAll (regex: String, replacement: String): String Returns a new string that replaces all matching substrings with the replacement.
+replaceFirst (regex: String, replacement: String): String Returns a new string that replaces the first matching substring with the replacement.
+split (regex: String): String[] Returns an array of strings consisting of the substrings split by the matches.
+split (regex: String, limit: int): String[] Same as the preceding split method except that the limit parameter controls the number of times the pattern is applied.

A regular expression is a way of denoting a pattern. In Java this pattern is denoted by a String within the delimiters double quotes ("). Here are some definitions to start with:

Regular Expressions and Their Matches
Regular Expression Matches
. (period) any character other than a line terminator
(ab|cd) ab or cd
[abc] a, b, or c
[^abc] any character except a, b, or c.
[a-z] any character from a to z (inclusive).
\d a digit same as [0-9]
\D not a digit, same as [^0-9]
\w a word character
\W not a word character
\s a white space character
\S a non white space character
\b word boundary
\B not a word boundary
^p begins with pattern p
p$ ends with pattern p
p* zero or more occurrences of pattern p
p+ one or more occurrences of pattern p
p? zero or one occurrence of pattern p
p{n} exactly n occurrences of pattern p
p{n,} at least n occurrences of pattern p
p{n,m} between n and m occurrences of pattern p (inclusive)