Home Work Assignment 3 (due 22 Sep 2016)

Adding Style to Your Web Pages

In this assignment you will be completing Project 3.1 on page 142 in your book. Here are the links to the images that you need for this assignment:

Create a separate sub-directory hwk3. In that sub-directory, copy all the images and then create the html file. Create also a CSS file to add color, font, and layout information to the page. You want your page to look like the page shown in the book. You may OMIT the small icons shown under the image for Central Park.

Make sure you run both your HTML and CSS file through the validators. Look at your page through both Firefox and IE. When you have completed this home work, we should be able to see the link to your web pages by 11 pm on Thursday, 22 Sep 2016. Do not edit your files after the deadline.