Things To Do To Get Started
- Get a CS Account
If you do not already have an account apply for a
Account. If you have forgotten your password, you can
reset your
- Public CS Linux Machines
The public CS Linux machines are in the GDC third floor lab and
in the basement of GDC. Both the Lab and the basement are open 24 hours.
Have your UT ID with you if there is a spot check. You can work
on a CS Linux machine from the console either in the GDC third floor
Lab or in the basement of GDC. Here is a list of public CS Machines.
- Software for Remote Login
If you want to work from home you can log in remotely to any one of
the public CS machines listed above. On the Mac, you will be using
an Application called Terminal found in the Utilities folder.
The command that lets you login remotely is:
ssh -l your_cs_username
On a Windows machine, you can download a utility software like
SSH Secure Shell that will allow you to communicate with
the CS machine securely. You can get the software for free from
- Transfering Files
You may also want to download a FTP software that will allow you
to transfer files to and from your personal machine to the CS machine.
For the Mac, download Fetch from Bevoware. On a Windows machine,
the SSH Secure Shell will do that for you.
- Learn Unix
You need to learn a few commands in Unix to get you started.
Here is an online
Unix Resource that you will find useful. Also you can get a
introduction to Unix. Here is a summary
Unix commands..
- Learn a Text Editor
There are several text editors available on a Unix system - vi, pico,
emacs. I have found VI to the simplest. Here is an online
VIM Reference that is an improved
version of VI. Here is a link to a
VIM Tutorial.