Home Work Assignment 9 (due 29 Oct 2019)

In this assignment you will create a slide show of the following images using JavaScript.

This slide show will be a simple page with a single header Travel Show. The slide show will begin automatically when the page loads. In the slide show the pictures are displayed for 3 seconds in order continuously. When the last slide is reached, the slide show should wrap around and begin at the first slide.

Explore different ways of solving this problem. JavaScript has two built-in functions - setTimeout() and setInterval() for calling functions at regular intervals of time. Change the the name of the image source file at 3 seconds interval.

Optional: Explore putting in a Start and End buttons to start and end your slide show if you do not want your slide show to go on forever.

Have the JavaScript be embedded in your HTML code. Your slide show should be neatly laid out in a frame - that is have a border around the image and a caption. Your file must be called travel_show.html. Your CSS file will be called travel_show.css. Have the .html, .css, and your images in a sub-directory called hwk9. Provide a link for us in reverse chronological order in the index.html page by 11 pm Monday, 29 Oct 2018.