Lecture Notes on 30 Jan 2017 Active Reading: Type code as you read. Read Chapter 4: Sections 4.1 - 4.15 (We have actually covered all of this material in class) Write the code from the following listings and run them: * Listing 4.1: AdditionQuiz.py * Listing 4.2: SimpleIfDemo.py * Listing 4.3: GuessBirthday.py * Listing 4.4: SubtractionQuiz.py * Listing 4.5: ChineseZodiac.py * Listing 4.6: ComputeBMI.py * Listing 4.7: ComputeTax.py * Listing 4.8: TestBooleanOperators.py * Listing 4.9: LeapYear.py * Listing 4.10: Lottery.py