import random class Card (object): RANKS = (2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14) SUITS = ('C', 'D', 'H', 'S') def __init__ (self, rank = 12, suit = 'S'): if (rank in Card.RANKS): self.rank = rank else: self.rank = 12 if (suit in Card.SUITS): self.suit = suit else: self.suit = 'S' def __str__ (self): if (self.rank == 14): rank = 'A' elif (self.rank == 13): rank = 'K' elif (self.rank == 12): rank = 'Q' elif (self.rank == 11): rank = 'J' else: rank = str (self.rank) return rank + self.suit def __eq__ (self, other): return (self.rank == other.rank) def __ne__ (self, other): return (self.rank != other.rank) def __lt__ (self, other): return (self.rank < other.rank) def __le__ (self, other): return (self.rank <= other.rank) def __gt__ (self, other): return (self.rank > other.rank) def __ge__ (self, other): return (self.rank >= other.rank) class Deck (object): def __init__ (self): self.deck = [] for suit in Card.SUITS: for rank in Card.RANKS: card = Card (rank, suit) self.deck.append (card) def shuffle (self): random.shuffle (self.deck) def deal (self): if (len(self.deck) == 0): return None else: return self.deck.pop(0) class Poker (object): def __init__ (self, num_players): self.deck = Deck() self.deck.shuffle() self.players = [] numcards_in_hand = 5 for i in range (num_players): hand = [] for j in range (numcards_in_hand): hand.append ( self.players.append (hand) def play (self): # sort the hands of each player and print for i in range (len(self.players)): sortedHand = sorted (self.players[i], reverse = True) self.players[i] = sortedHand hand = '' for card in sortedHand: hand = hand + str (card) + ' ' print ('Player ' + str (i + 1) + " : " + hand) # determine the each type of hand and print points_hand = [] # create list to store points for each hand # determine winner and print # determine if a hand is a royal flush def is_royal (self, hand): same_suit = True for i in range (len(hand) - 1): same_suit = same_suit and (hand[i].suit == hand[i + 1].suit) if (not same_suit): return False rank_order = True for i in range (len(hand)): rank_order = rank_order and (hand[i].rank == 14 - i) return (same_suit and rank_order) ''' def is_straight_flush (self, hand): ... def is_four_kind (self, hand): ... def is_full_house (self, hand): ... def is_flush (self, hand): ... def is_straight (self, hand): ... def is_three_kind (self, hand): ... def is_two_pair (self, hand): ... ''' # determine if a hand is one pair def is_one_pair (self, hand): for i in range (len(hand) - 1): if (hand[i].rank == hand[i + 1].rank): return True return False ''' def is_high_card (self, hand): ... ''' def main(): # prompt user to enter the number of players num_players = int (input ('Enter number of players: ')) while ((num_players < 2) or (num_players > 6)): num_players = int (input ('Enter number of players: ')) # create the Poker object game = Poker (num_players) # play the game (poker) main()