Lecture Notes 12 Apr 2017 class Heap (object): def __init__ (self): self.heap = [] # return the size of the heap def get_size (self): return len (self.heap) # return if the heap is empty def is_empty (self): return (self.get_size() == 0) # get index of left child def lchild_idx (idx): new_idx = 2 * idx + 1 if (new_idx >= len(self.heap)): new_idx = -1 return new_idx # get index of right child def rchild_idx (idx): new_idx = 2 * idx + 2 if (new_idx >= len(self.heap)): new_idx = -1 return new_idx # get index of parent def parent_idx (idx): new_idx = (idx - 1 ) // 2 if (idx == 0): new_idx = -1 return new_idx # move a node up from the bottom to its rightful position def percolate_up (idx): node_val = self.heap[idx] parent = parent_idx (idx) while ((idx > 0) and (self.heap[parent] < node_val)): self.heap[idx] = self.heap [parent] idx = parent parent = parent_idx (idx) self.heap[idx] = node_val # move a node down from the top to its rightful position def percolate_down (idx): node_val = self.heap[idx] num_elements = self.get_size() while (idx < num_elements // 2): left_child = lchild_idx (idx) right_child = rchild_idx (idx) if ((right_child > -1) and (self.heap[left_child] > self.heap[right_child])): larger_child = left_child else: larger_child = right_child if (node_val >= self.heap[larger_child]): break self.heap[idx] = self.heap[larger_child] idx = larger_child self.heap[idx] = node_val # make a heap of a list def make_heap (idx): num_elements = self.get_size() if (idx > ((num_elements // 2) - 1)): return right_child = rchild_idx (idx) if (right_child > -1): make_heap (right_child) make_heap (lchild_idx(idx)) percolate_down (idx) # insert an element in the heap def insert (val): self.heap.append (val) new_pos = self.get_size() - 1 # percolate the new element up percolate_up (new_pos) # remove the root or the max element in the heap def remove (): root = self.heap[0] self.heap[0] = self.heap[-1] self.heap.pop() percolate_down (0) return root