Astronomy Quiz

True / False

1) According to Kepler the orbit of the earth is a circle with the sun at the center. a) True b) False

2) Ancient astronomers did consider the heliocentric model of the solar system but rejected it because they could not detect parallax. a) True b) False

Multiple Choice

3) The total amount of energy that a star emits is directly related to its
a) surface gravity and magnetic field
b) radius and temperature
c) pressure and volume
d) location and velocity

4) Stars that live the longest have
a) high mass
b) high temperature
c) lots of hydrogen
d) small mass

Fill in the Blank

5) A collection of a hundred billion stars, gas, and dust is called a _____. (galaxy)

6) The inverse of the Hubble's constant is a measure of the _____ of the universe. (age)